Cynical detective David Gradley meets sassy astrologer Esther Jones, first suspecting her of murder, then finding her skills useful in clearing up an intriguing case.
Jealousy, highly unethical business practises and the kidnap of a young woman stretch Gradley's analytical powers, and Esther's astrological skills, to the full. Neville the butler provides both comic relief and human insight to the case.
An MP's daughter wants to marry a man the MP knows is a murderer - but he can't reveal what he knows without jeopardising himself. How will Gradley and Esther solve the case?
VERY much against Gradley's wishes, Esther takes the place of a murdered Brighton astrologer and clairvoyant in order to find out who killed her - thus exposing herself to the same risk.
When Tony is accused of the murder of his father, CEO of a merchant bank, Esther is sure he's innocent - his birth chart proves him incapable of any such violence. With four other possible suspects, finding the real culprit might be tricky.