This film from the Billy Graham evangelical association stars Marietta DePrima as
a business sports executive with the Vancouver hockey team and she's got an
assignment. Sign roughhouse player Ken Olandt to Vancouver as he was always
a fan favorite.
But DePrima who has to get to the piney woods to find Olandt who has not only
walked away from the game but has embraced evangelical Christianity as well.
It's not him any more to be part of the fighting and brawling end of hockey, but
let's face it a lot of fans want to see that.
Not only that, the ownership like Walter O'Malley with the Brooklyn Dodgers
so many decades ago was going to move the club any way.
Some souls might be saved, but I'm sure that way past the time this film's
plot ends the money folks will have their way. Plus quite frankly Ken Olandt
looks way too good to be a professional hockey player. Not with all the
facial injuries those guys pile up over a career.