Trevor Morgan credited as playing...
- Erik: I read both of your books. I liked the first one more. Before you were on the island. You liked dinosaurs back then.
- Dr. Grant: Back then, they hadn't tried to eat me yet.
- Dr. Grant: I have a theory that there are two kinds of boys. There are those that want to be astronomers, and those that want to be astronauts. The astronomer, or the paleontologist, gets to study these amazing things from a place of complete safety.
- Erik: But then you never get to go into space.
- Dr. Grant: Exactly. That's the difference between imagining and seeing: to be able to touch them. And that's... that's all that Billy wanted.
- [a field of beautiful dinosaurs comes into view]
- Dr. Grant: Did you read Malcolm's book?
- [Erik nods]
- Dr. Grant: So?
- Erik: I don't know. It was kinda preachy. And too much Chaos. Everything Chaos. It just seemed like the guy was high on himself.
- Dr. Grant: That's two things we have in common.
- Dr. Grant: Erik, I have to tell you, I'm astonished that you've lasted eight weeks on this island.
- Erik: [Stunned] ... Is that all it's been?
- Erik: Be careful with that. T-Rex. It scares some of the smaller ones away but attracts one really big one with the fin.
- Dr. Grant: This is T-Rex pee?
- [Eric nods yes]
- Dr. Grant: How'd you get it?
- Erik: You don't wanna know.
- Erik: [being rescued] Wow. You have to thank her now. She sent the Navy and the Marines!
- Dr. Alan Grant: God bless you, Ellie.
- [last lines]
- Erik: Where do you think they're going?
- Dr. Grant: I don't know. Maybe just looking for new nesting grounds. It's a whole new world for them.
- Amanda: I dare 'em to nest in Enid, Oklahoma.
- Erik: That lady you called.
- Dr. Alan Grant: Hmm?
- Erik: Who is she? How do you that she can help us?
- Dr. Alan Grant: She was the one person I could always count on. I owe her a lot. Although I don't think I ever told her that.
- Erik: You should.
- Erik: You know something, Dr. Grant? Billy was right.