The effects crew used two hundred fifty gallons of oatmeal to simulate Spinosaur droppings.
A few of the action sequences are borrowed from left over ideas from the first two Jurassic Park movies, some of which were in the original scripts and made it as far as being storyboarded before they were scrapped due to time and budget constraints. These scenes include the pteranodon and river boat sequences.
Sir Sam Neill has come to this film's defense saying that the film got "unfair" treatment from critics, and thinks that it's a "pretty damn good" film.
According to an interview with William H. Macy, he said this movie's animatronic Spinosaurus had a one thousand-horsepower motor and that creature could turn its head at twice the force of gravity with the tip of its nose moving at a speed of more than one hundred miles per hour.
When asked why he accepted the role of Paul Kirby, William H. Macy replied, "Because I'm fifty years old and I get to fight a dinosaur".