Vicious Lips (1986) Poster


Anthony Kentz: Matty Asher, Dead Matty



  • Matty Asher : I wanna make you a star. I wanna make you the lead singer of the Vicious Lips! Would you like that, huh, huh?

    Judy Jetson : Me? The lead singer?

    Matty Asher : Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So come on, now we gotta link up...

    Judy Jetson : [interrupts]  But does it pay much?

    Matty Asher : Uh... don't think much about that, dear. Come on. Just come with me and trust me.

  • Matty Asher : [on the phone with Maxine]  Tomorrow night! Promise Thomas. OK.

  • Matty Asher : Hey, did any of you girls get the license digits of the maniac who almost...

    Mandaa Uueu : [interrupts]  Shut up, Matty!

    Matty Asher : Don't you know what a joke is? Can't you take a joke? You ignorant or something? Jeez!

  • Matty Asher : Communicator's destructo babe.

    Wynzi Krodo : Well, what does that mean?

    Matty Asher : What does that mean? What does that mean? It means we're stuck here in the middle of Sand Central, with no way to call for help! We don't got any fresh clothes, or any, or or


    Matty Asher : I got four cigars left, that's what it means. You understand, you capisce?

    Wynzi Krodo : Does it mean we're gonna, like, die or somethin'?

    Matty Asher : [pause]  Probably.

    Wynzi Krodo : Shit.

  • Matty Asher : Just 'cause I'm the only male here doesn't mean that I have to play Mr. Hero with big balls!

See also

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