In 2001 due to falling ratings, the BBC chose to axe the show. Channel 5 then decided to revive the show with the then current presenters (Quentin Willson, Vicki Butler-Henderson and Tiff Needell ). Because BBC owns the name rights, the show had to be renamed Fifth Gear (2002). The show was only revived (Top Gear (2002)) because Jeremy Clarkson was considered to be the most popular presenter of them all and many people had considered his absence to be the cause of the demise of the show.
Jeremy Clarkson and Andy Wilman revived TopGear in 2002 with Wilman as producer and Clarkson as the main host, alongside Richard Hammond & Jason Dawe. James May joined in season 2, replacing Jason Dawe.
Somewhat surprisingly in retrospect, this once dubbed 'most testosterone-driven show on British television' by Stephen Fry, was originally hosted by a woman (Angela Rippon).
This weekly series is the second incarnation of the programme. It was preceded by a monthly version that aired on BBC 1 in the Midlands region only. That pilot series ran for 9 months, premiering on 22nd April 1977. Angela Rippon's co-presenter, Tom Coyne, was replaced by Barrie Gill for the weekly series.