Strike Me Deadly (1963)
Steve Ihnat: Al
Al : Tell me something. Chuck. What would you do if you found your wife running around behind your back with another guy?
Chuck : I don't know, I'm not married.
Al : Suppose you *were* married. What do you think you'd do?
Chuck : I don't know. What could you do?
Al : I don't know. What would *you* do?
Chuck : What are you, a nut, asking questions like that? I... I'd get rid of her. Let's get out of here, eh?
Al : I want to tell you what I'd do. I think I'd... find a way... maybe a hunting trip, where things could happen. Accidents happen all the time on hunting trips.
Chuck : No, Al, you got it all wrong.
Al : And I'd tell him. I knew everything that was going on. Boy, would he be surprised. He would be astonished. Tell me, lover boy, was she worth...
[Shoots him]