Tom Byron credited as playing...
- Marsha: Diane, you'd love that cock, you better try it.
- [pulls herself off of Jimmy]
- Jimmy: Yeah, well come on, aunt Diane. I've always wanted to.
- Aunt Diane: You have?
- Marsha: Come on, Diane, try it.
- Aunt Diane: Oh well, might as well keep it in the family...
- [Jimmy moans as his older neighbor Marsha deepthroats him in his sleep]
- Aunt Diane: [bewildered by her friend Marsha's actions] Shh, go back to sleep, Jimmy.
- Jimmy: What's going on, aunt Diane?
- Marsha: You're getting your cock sucked, kid!
- [goes back to it]
- Aunt Diane: [in despair] Oh, my god...
- [Diane's neighbor Marsha starts mounting Jimmy right in front of his shocked aunt]
- Jimmy: It feels so good, aunt Diane!
- Aunt Diane: [finally giving up on stopping Marsha] Oh, I know...
- Miss Lillian Foxworth: Since you have no emotional problems, and no physical problems, we might as well get down to some regular school work.
- [hands Jimmy a book]
- Jimmy: Shakespeare?
- Miss Lillian Foxworth: Shakespeare. The most brilliant writer of English literature. His works can only improve your mind.