Brittany Murphy credited as playing...
- Hannah Stern: Do you know what a stupid girl I used to be? I almost got one of these put on!
- [shows the number tattooed on her arm]
- Hannah Stern: Can you believe that? I wanted to get tattooed!
- Rivkah: Don't talk foolishness!
- Hannah Stern: It is foolishness, isn't it? My whole life has been foolishness. I'm being punished, that's it, God is punishing me.
- Rivkah: I forbid you to say that. Is God punishing me? Is He punishing the children? I won't believe that.
- Hannah Stern: Then why? Why?
- Rivkah: Ask them why. Ask the Nazis, not me, don't ask me.
- Rivkah: They're burning our synagogue!
- Hannah Stern: I know! I know! Rivkah, what's worse? Knowing, or not knowing?
- Rivkah: I don't know.
- Hannah Stern: [the Nazis approach the wedding ceremony] What year is it?
- Rivkah: 5703.
- Hannah Stern: 5000? That's impossible, this isn't the future.
- Rivkah: Ah, you mean the Christian calendar. 1941, October 1941.
- Hannah Stern: They're Nazis! No! They will kill... it's 6 million Jews. Don't ask me how I know, I just do.
- Hannah Stern: I was thinking about how much help I could be to all of us.
- Rivkah: What do you mean?
- Hannah Stern: I had a history teacher who spent a whole semester talking about the Jews during the war, you know what I was doing? I was writing notes to my friends. I have no idea what my teacher said. The only thing I remember is that no one paid any attention to all of this.
- Rivkah: You have a very vivid imagination, and it is causing you much needless pain.
- Hannah Stern: I wish that was true.