As a 10-year old boy, I was taken by my Dad to see "Invaders from Mars" with Leif Ericson. We left talking about the support feature, Arthur Askey in "The Love Match". Typically English and Lancashire to boot, it has soccer and steam trains, what more could a young boy want. A young Shirley Eaton (painted gold in Goldfinger) is a delight despite her over-the-top Lancashire accent and what can I say about Danny Ross, who all but steals the show as Rose Brown's young man (his party-piece is a pratfall with instant recovery - very funny). Arthur Askey is a joy (but then I'm biased) and to see Rob Wilton as the magistrate was the icing on the cake. A gentle comedy that leads me to the timeless cliché 'they don't make 'em like that anymore' and more's the pity.