4 reviews
Very well done Film Noir. When you think you have it figured out, you will soon find out you are WRONG. This piece has an earthy realism that really gets you hooked. You wouldn't wish what happens to Vic on your worst enemy. A very watchable film.
This is a delightful example of Film Noir. The viewer is immersed in the story of a young married couple with a few problems and their efforts to resolve their issues. Lot of twist and turn,but fun to watch and a killer ending. While not away technically perfect still one you will enjoy.
Yes, Temptation is a powerful risk.. And what better way to explain this side of the story in a black & white, low-budget, indie! No, not a bad type of "B-Movie" but an involving, character study involving a poor guy who seems determined not to take a step in common pitfalls in life...Yet, a FINE and mysterious woman named Cappuccino enters his life and here his troubles/resistance begins!
Even though some of this story may become predictable to many others, Its impact (well executed, by the way) succeeds on a worthy level, which can keep a viewer glued to the screen..
Even though some of this story may become predictable to many others, Its impact (well executed, by the way) succeeds on a worthy level, which can keep a viewer glued to the screen..
This b/w movie was so salaciously laced with temptation that someone stole it from my home. Beware of friends, for temptation has no integrity. Great movie. I only wish I still owned it. The acting is superb. The wife is so cunning...there is a lesson to behold, husbands. The only negative would be the budget to make this low budget project. Some movies are not worth the money or time invested. That is not the case here. Worthy of a mention and a re-make to reflect a more recent time. I would love to see it enhanced by, maybe, Tyler Perry. I think Tyler could really work with and make hit it a hit. This topic is internationally common to relationships. Sometime we just don't know our mates.