Stephen Dorff credited as playing...
Jake Simms, Jr.
- Jake: Look, I'm not one of your kids, lady, so don't try and lecture me.
- Charlotte: [interrupting] Oh, I haven't got any kids.
- Jake: What? You said that...
- Charlotte: Well I lied. After my miscarriage I couldn't have any.
- [beat]
- Charlotte: I lie to myself sometimes. I pretend I have kids. I pretend what they would be like...
- [beat]
- Charlotte: I've never told that to anyone before.
- Jake: I didn't mean any of those things I said.
- Charlotte: I know.
- Jake: So c'mere.
- Charlotte: Why should I?
- Jake: Cause I wanna dance.
- [they kiss]
- Charlotte: [they move onto the double bed. Charlotte reaches down between her and Jake. She pulls out the gun that was in Jake's pocket. Sighs] Ok.