Being a video game enthusiast i've often pondered what were the best and worst endings to a video game I've ever seen. Deciding on the best would take some time, but as far as the worst goes i don't have to rack my brain for very long before I remember that I once played thru a little known PC game called Black Dahlia. I use the word 'played' loosely because about after the 3rd puzzle the game becomes so damn difficult I had to seek internet walkthroughs from that point on to the horrific end of the game. On a difficulty scale i would rate this game a Migraine. Seriously I doubt anyone including the people that have posted their thoughts here before me have went through this game without seeking some type of help online. Having Hopper and Garr make cameos was just a marketing ploy they lend little if anything to the game. For it's time i guess the graphics were pretty good and the setting is just perfect for a great FMV video game but these people really blew it. In fact I think the company must have gone belly up in the final days of production and the office janitor went ahead and decided how the game would end. I used to love FMV games and i still do but in the year 2005 they have pretty much been phased out. I'm still always on the look out for FMV games i may have missed over the years and on the off chance you're on the lookout too stay the hell away from this one!