Earl Pastko credited as playing...
- Bartender: When the best security chief this planet ever had is leaving, the least I can do is buy him a pan of Kerbango on the house. Of course, I'm sure our little argeement is still in effect. Now that you're leaving, that unfortunate little incident won't somehow magically appear in my file.
- Terl: Of course not. I'm a Psychlo of my word.
- Bartender: Because I've always told you everything I've overheard in here.
- Terl: Yeah, and your information has often proved to be quite useful.
- Bartender: We know how they overreact back in home planets. I don't know what I'd do if they found out.
- Terl: Well, you'd better start figuring it out!
- Bartender: You just said it won't appear in my file.
- Terl: I said it won't *magically* appear. There'll be nothing magical about it. I'm going to put it there.
- Bartender: How about you being a Psychlo of your word?
- Terl: I am a Psychlo of my word, and I will honor our agreement to the letter. As long as you were providing me with useful information, I wouldn't file the report. But now that I'm leaving this pitiful excuse for a planet, you will no longer be providing me with useful information, will you?
- Bartender: I'm begging you, my son just got accepted into the academy, first one ever in my family. You know how much it costs. Please, as a friend, couldn't you forget to file the report?
- Terl: Well... as a friend I could forget to file the report. But unfortunately... I'm not your friend! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!