13 reviews
This is a really well made short film. Good lighting, good sound, excellent performances. The director made the most of her budget. The eyeball make-up looked great (and realistic). And it played out like a really good short story ...no extra padding, every scene had a point. Not all stories need 90 minutes to be told. I just wish more short films were available. Michael Rosenbaum fans will be happy too since he has plenty of shirtless scenes and he gets to play the fratboy ass character he can probably do in his sleep. I sort of wish he had made more little movies like this instead of getting stuck in a Smallville contract. I think the lead actor was in Freaks and Geeks too, but I'm not positive.
- jeansheridan
- Jun 5, 2002
- Permalink
I recently was acquainted to Eyeball Eddie and was happily surprise with its quality and the talented team that work on this film. The actors were fantastic especially Martin Starr & Michael Rosenbaum!!! I enjoy every bits of it and a big Bravo to Elisabeth Allen, you did a great job!!!
- stratosphere111
- Jul 1, 2002
- Permalink
"Eyeball Eddie" has a great plot, but it is also really well done. Its a great short film, with some really great technique. The cinematography and editing, as well as lighting and set design work was really well done and very fitting. "Eyeball Eddie" is about a high school wrestler on his wrestling team, trying to find his place in the fickle high school world. Its inspiring and a "feel good" movie, but it doesn't mean it fits all of the clichés that go with typical "feel good" movies. I recommend it to anyone who has a 1/2 hr to spare and is interested in films. This was recommended to me as a really cute, well done short film, and it has lived up to its recommendation! The almost gritty quality of the film really lends itself to the high school experience - like in high school, things aren't perfect, but are often awkward and unpleasant. The ending is a bit too cliché, but tolerable in view of the whole film.
- Belleybaby711
- Jun 5, 2006
- Permalink
I thought this movie was great! It was cute, creative, and just plain fun to watch. The movie is a short, but it has a great cast. Appearances by Lex Luther, Harv from Critters, and starring the nerdy kid from Freaks and Geeks. Plus it was all done on DV and it looks amazing! I highly recommend anyone watching this movie if they can get their hands on it. I saw it at a film festival at USC and I was completely inspired. I got to watch it with my parents. My mom was kind of grossed out, but my dad and I laughed the entire time! Sure wish my wrestling team had the advantage that Eddie's high school had. They movie was great, no doubt about it. Definitely a 10!
In a half-hour film, director Liz Allen manages to create a world we all recognize--the world of the struggling adolescent outsider seeking entrance to the mainstream--in this case, the wrestling team. Of course, we recognize this world not because we were all adolescents once, but because the themes are universal, and continue to play throughout our lives: what will you do to be popular? How far will you go? Will you be so "blind" as to use your own imperfections against yourself in an effort to gain approval? With a deft touch, Liz Allen has examined these fundamental questions in a light-hearted, believable manner, aided by Martin Starr (at the beginning of his career) , and veteran character actor M Emmet Walsh. The special effects and technical shots involving the glass eyeball are superbly done, and the climactic fight scene is well-choreographed.
This film is a must-see for anyone working with adolescents, and can be used as a teaching aid to spark discussion on the need for individuality and integrity.
This film is a must-see for anyone working with adolescents, and can be used as a teaching aid to spark discussion on the need for individuality and integrity.
This film captivated me from the first few minutes - and when it ended, I wished it could have been longer. The film's storyline had all the necessary components to a great plot - a classic tale about finding oneself and the courage needed to do so. In that regard, I guess most everyone can relate to this film in some way. It was a feel-good and yet believable comedy at times, and the "loser" ended up truly finding himself. But the storyline was only part of what made this film interesting. What made this great story into an excellent film was the choreography, intriguing angles and lighting, and great music to complement the scenes.
100's original entertainment. I wish this film went on for 3 or 4 times the length. It's funny and heartwarming. I borrowed this DVD from a friend who went to USC film school. I think the film was made there. I highly recommend that any film student see this film. I am a film student in Florida and I don't know how they made this with no budget and student fascilities. All of the camera angles were really fresh and the ACTING WAS AMAZING. The little boy who plays Eddie Eyeball was sen-freakin-sational!!
It was such a cute film... a little bit predictable... you know, the typical outcast desires to become popular and thus by some freak chance finds an "in" and through his trials learns something about himself yada-yada.... but even though similar story lines have been used over and over that didn't take away from how enjoyable it was. Also there were definitely qualities within the film that separated it from the typical zero-to-hero film. It's length worked in it's favor keeping me interested and engaged and thus the plot didn't go stale. It was really well acted, and well written and well directed, and everyone who worked to put this together did an excellent job. It would definitely be a good film to watch with your family... unless they are easily grossed out... in which case... pretend I didn't say that.
- MentosIzzy
- May 1, 2006
- Permalink
I really enjoyed watching this movie, because the plot really draws you in. You become attached right from the beginning to Eddie, and even the characters of the bullies on the wrestling team are ones viewers can identify with. It was witty, charming, and interesting. I would highly recommend it as one of the best short films I have ever seen. My only regret is that this short film was not made into a longer film, because i would have loved to see more background information about things such as eddies family, his life at school, and so on. But overall, it was a very, very well done short film, and the comedy aspect of it really tickled me. The lighting and wardrobe were also very professional and looked very nice. I'm a huge fan!
- LittleSunshine16
- Apr 29, 2006
- Permalink
I really love this movie a lot. It's only 29 minutes but I wish it could have been longer. Martin Starr(Eddie Malick) and Melissa Hunter(Layla)are really great and will be stars in future movies. It's a simple story about a small little kid in wrestling and has only one eye! It's his passion to stay in wrestling and when it pops out the fun begins and starts winning matches. He is not about that but he wanted to be popular and only Layla understands him. A great little film AND IT'S JUST awesome! I REALLY HOPE TO SEE SHORT FILMS ON DVD soon. The people who brought you this movie are so nice and you will not be dissapointed in the film at all. A real GEM! A find that I will tell all my friends about and hopefully buy the DVD! BUY it! It's a must! Out of 4 stars I give it 4 stars plus! It's that good and if you like great movies you will want this for your collection!
- WhiteTigerPat
- Sep 18, 2001
- Permalink
This is a great movie. It is kind of a long story of how I first heard about this movie so i won't get into that. but, when i heard that Martin Starr was in this movie, i just had to see it. i love how Eddie pops his glass eye out of his head and then towards the end of the movie when he wears that black eye patch. well the black eye patch is sort of a joke between me and a friend of mine so you probably won't find it as humorous as i did. i really liked the character Eddie Malick and i do believe that this was Martin Starr's first movie and he did a great job. overall, it is a great movie even though it is quite short and i would recommend anyone to watch it.
- Finkle_berry367
- Aug 14, 2004
- Permalink
I saw this film at the Stony Brook Film Festival. Martin Starr of Freaks and Geeks fame gives an incredible performance. He plays, Eddie Malick, a weak insecure high school wrestler with a prosthetic eye. However, when his eye accidentally pops out during a match, Eddie seizes the moment, pins his shocked opponent and suddenly realizes that the strategy for winning sits in his eye. I hope to see more of Martin Starr in the future. M. Emmet Walsh, who has been in many films through the years, gives a good performance as Eddie's coach. Mr. Walsh has played a coach in the past and I can see why director Elizabeth Allen wanted him in this role. Elizabeth Allen does a great job in directing her first film. Veteran director Cary Fleder must be proud of Ms. Allan's work since it appears he has been a mentor of hers. On a personal note, it is good to see another Ward Melville graduate doing so well, especially in the world of film.