Sun, Jul 7, 1974
After ten years Ryuma Shiranui aka Dragon returns to Hong Kong to visit the grave of his mentor Kaizan Fubiki, who recently died from "an accidental fall off a cliff". Shadow, an international organization of assassins who specialize in arranging "accidents" so that their clients will never be suspected of murder. However, should a client be suspected the client will have a fatal accident and so might the assassin who botched the job. Committing an obvious murder is punishable by suffering a fatal accident. have been contracted to kill Kaimei Lin, The job is given to "Red Tiger" who warns Dragon not to interfere, which of course he does. Red Tiger kidnaps Lin's wife and demands a ransom, intending that when he shows up to pay it both he and his wife will suffer a tragic accident. But Dragon shows up to deliver the ransom instead. (To Be Coninuted)
Tue, Jul 9, 1974
Red Tiger boasts of killing Dragon's mentor (but did he?) which is all Dragon needs to finish him off. After surviving attempts by "Purple Snake" to kill with poison darts, Dragon heads to Macao to find the person who hired Shadow to kill Kaimei, Lin. Purple Snake is ordered to follow and stop Dragon from finding their client. Dragon defeats Purple Snake but not without getting being poisoned. Dragon struggles to stay conscious in order to return Hong Kong to save the Lin family. (To be continued)
Tue, Jul 16, 1974
A wounded Dragon is found by an INTERPOL who takes him back to Hong Kong.. The Shadow is no longer a secret as INTERPOL now knows of its existence. Shadow Assassin, Red Scorpion convinces the Lin family that he is an old friend Ryuma Shiranui (Dragon) who works with him at "The Acorn House" orphanage in Japan. After Red Scorpion is dealt with Ryuma Shiranui (Dragon) returns to Japan. Kojiro Musashi decides he will go to Japan as well. On the plane home, Ryuma Shiranui finds Shu Lin on the plane. The boy claims his parents agreed to send him to Japan to learn marital arts from him.
Tue, Jul 23, 1974
Ryuma Shiranui (Dragon) does not realize that Black Jaquar and his minions including Blue Cat have followed him to Japan until his friend Ogawara, a wealthy man who financed his trips to Hong Kong and Macao, is their next target. Ogawara laughs at the idea that anyone would pay to him killed. But Shadow keeps Dragon busy defending his friend's life.
Tue, Jul 30, 1974
Musashi are practicing. Susumu Kusakabe and his sister older sister Sanae Kusakabe have inherited 80 million yen from an uncle who died in Brazil. Shadow is hired by someone who doesn't want them to get the money because they have decided to give it to charity and he wants to spend it on himself, to arrange for them to have die in tragic accidents. Silver Praying Mantis is given the job. His original plan was to drown the girl in a bucket of sea water so it would appear she died in a swimming accident. Then arrange for her brother to die in a different accident. Dragon stops the drowning so Silver Praying Mantis later kidnaps both siblings but of course Dragon save them The client is revealed and nearly killed by an undercover cop. Dragon thinks he;s traced Black Jaguar but the place is empty accept for a black phone which rings. Dragon compliments the Shadow boss on being able to vacate the premises with out even leaving a speck of dust behind.
Tue, Aug 6, 1974
Dragon is attacked by Striped Wolf who admits he was not acting on orders. When he tries to poke Dragon in the eyes he actually names his attack ""Blinding Attack". He begs Dragon to kill him but Dragon declines. Striped Tiger is summoned before Black Jaguar and suffers the consequences. Eizo Ogawara receives a phone call warning him to stop financing Dragon. He is then attacked and rendered unconscious by 4 men in black who call themselves "Shadow's four heavenly karate guards". A woman in blue beats them up and takes Eizo to Kurii 's clinic. She then starts beating up Dragon's students in his dojo to get his attention. She identifies herself as "Ryuko Hayas of the Kurma Hachiryu karate style". Kojiro calls her "Female Dragon" and she is sent off with Eizo Ogawara as his body guard. Later Dragon is attacked by four men in black who are now calling themselves the Big Four Karate Masters. Later Dragon saves Eizo Ogawara from Spotted Wolf. He declines to kill Spotted Wolf who tells him Shadow owns an island of the coast of Hong Kong where they train assassins.
Tue, Aug 13, 1974
Dragon returns to Hong Kong and tries to find "Devil's Island" where the Shadow assassins guild train their assassins. Head trainer Green Spider does not believe in the old saying "don't kill the messenger" and when one of his subordinates reports a prisoner has escape from the island, he has the man who delivered that bad news killed. With the help of an old friend Hayato Taska, a fellow student from the Fubiki Karate School of Karate, Dragon finds his way to Devil 's Island. Hayato Taska goes off to distract guards and Dragon faces Green Spider and his minions alone. He's winning until Shadow henchmen appear with is mentor's daughter. Dragon surrenders to save her and because he hasn't been shirtless yet, Green Spider rips of his shirt before planning to have him beaten to death (To be continued).
Tue, Aug 20, 1974
Kojiro actually has a good idea, finding a bullhorn he scares off the Shadow assassins by announcing the police have them surrounded, saving Dragon. when they flee. The man who threatened Dragon's mentor's daughter reveals himself to be Golden Bat and Green Spider throws a dagger at him trying to kill him for intervening but he reports he was working under orders. The boss thinks Green Spider's personal hatred of Dragon will cause him to make mistakes and Golden Bat is to correct those mistakes. Back in Japan, the Acorns accuse Dr. Kurii of suffering from a hangover, but that would mean he stopped drinking at some point. Dragon phones home to check up on them. Later when Green Spider and Golden Bat try to kill Dragon, Green Spider reveals himself to Dragon explaining how he has always hated him and why. Dragon is shocked and does not want to hurt Green Spider but Golden Bat starts a fight and during it Green Spider is killed. Golden Bat doesn't survive long after that. Dragon having put an end to the Shadow's training program and learning that INTERPOL will make sure they don't star it up again, returns to Japan.
Tue, Aug 27, 1974
Dragon and brother assassins who use their bodies as their weapons. The name their most deadly move "Rock Drop", which is only the second time a killing blow is actually given a name. Dragon unable to defeat this combination attack from the brothers needs to train. In a scene borrowed from Kamen Rider V3 (another Toei series) Kojiro (who is no Tachibana, Tobei) throws rocks at Dragon as part of the training. Dragon's new move kills both brothers.
Tue, Sep 3, 1974
Dragon flies to Manila after a Charlie Karlo, a friend of his late mentor receives threats on his life. For once the Shadow boss does not know where Dragon is but orders his men to find him wherever hey may be and kill him. They attack Dragon's dojo and of course Kojiro Musashi is unable to defend it doing more damage to himself with his nunchicks than the Shadow henchmen. They are actually drive of by Ogawara, Eizo who shows up with a new cane. Kojiro tells him Dragon went to Manila. Black Jagaur phones Brown Lizard to let him know that Dragon is in Manila. And orders him to kill Charlie Karlo immediately. Dragon saves Charlie so Brown Lizard kidnaps his daughter. Dragon goes to the drop in Charlie's place.. Brown Lizard phones Charlie claiming his men killed Dragon. Still fighting Brown Lizard's henchmen Dragon removes his shirt because the episode is half over and he hasn't been shirtless yet. After Dragon defeats Brown Lizard he goes to watch the sunset in Manila Bay (and the ending theme "Lonely Dragon" plays as Dragon walks along watching the sunset.
Tue, Sep 10, 1974
For the first time Shadow wants a murder to be recognized as a murder. Gray Fox kills a man and frames Dragon for it, to get the police on Dragon's tail. Gray Dragon goes into hiding and Gray Fox is given a new assignment, Kojiro Musashi decides to follow Flying Squirrel who is actually fooled by Kojiro's disguises and more embarrassing for the Shadow assassin he is actually defeated by Kojiro. Because he needs Gray Fox to prove his innocence in the murder, Dragon captures him alive and hands him over to the police.
Tue, Sep 17, 1974
Black Jaguar forces a retired assassin, Yellow Sea Snake (who doesn't think much of the current batch of henchmen) out of retirement to kill Dragon, by having the man's daughter, a nurse, kidnapped. Kojiro fakes being sick because he's fallen for the nurse who does not know her father was once a professional killer.. Dragon does not want to kill the old man and the old man doesn't really want to kill Dragon either. But neither is willing to surrender.
Tue, Oct 1, 1974
The young boy Shu Lin, one of Dragon's students at his dojo receives a call from home that is mother is ill and flies back home to Hong Kong. Black Jaguar sends his last assassin Brown Moray Eel after Dragon but he doesn't last long. Dragon says "I will finally get to fight Black Jaguar" and voice responds "That's right, Dragon. you will not leave Haruna alive." Black Jaguar'finally appears on camera, masked but when Dragon runs towards him, he vanishes.
Wed, Sep 18, 1974
Dragon finally battles Black Jaguar and during the fight finally discovers who his enemy is. Kojiro falls in love again but is betrayed and swears he will never love another woman again. Black Jaguar warns Dragon that even if he dies Shadow will go one. A statement which leaves Dragon confused, how could Shadow go on with its boss dead?
Tue, Oct 15, 1974
Dragon soon realizes that even without Black Jaguar, Shadow still exists when a business man falls off a rough to his death and a witness tries but fails to convince the police that it was murder. Dragon encounters Shadow assassin Cold Wind. After Cold Wind is killed the new Shadow boss Eyes of Darkness opens a book labeled "Shadow Secret File" takes out Cold Wind's photo and burns it.
Tue, Oct 22, 1974
Kojiro Musashi is mistaken for Kotaro Muto a wealthy author someone wants dead. The two men look exactly alike. Dragon decides Kojiro should impersonate Kotaro while Dragon waits for Shadow to strike again. Shadow assassin Gale abducts "Kotaro" but soon realizes that he got Kojiro instead. Dragon receives a phone call from Eyes of Darkness who when Dragon asks if he is the new Shadow boss, says he just flew to Japan from America to deal with some unfinished business and will not stay long. He want trade Dragon his friend Kojiro for the real Kotaro. Of course Dragon ends up killing Gale and saving both Kojiro and Kotaro.
Tue, Oct 29, 1974
Three men, Thunder, Flash and Rock Storm are running around the woods, screaming, breaking statutes, boulders and trees when they realize a fourth man is watching them. When the question him he introduces himself as "Tiger", they realize his Dark Tiger, the new Shadow boss. Eyes of Darkness said he wouldn't stick around long. Later they kidnap a young girl and demand a 50 million yen ransom. The girl's mother wants to just pay it but Dragon tells her "Shadow doesn't follow any rules or ethics.". Kojiro is more blunt and says Shadow will not return their daughter to them alive. The three Shadow assassins make the mistake of fighting Dragon one-on-one. making it easy for him to take them out.
Tue, Nov 5, 1974
Someone tries to push Dragon infront of a subway train and when that tries to run him over with a car. Dragon realizes Shadow is trying to make him have a fatal accident. The Shadow assassin Whirlwind moves like a whirlwind. When a small boy is kidnapped Dragon asks Whirlwind an obvious question, why would Shadow target a child and gets an obvious answers, some one thinks there is money to be made off of the boys having a fatal accident.
Tue, Nov 12, 1974
Dark Tiger wants The Demonic Wrestler Shock to arrange a meeting with Dragon, after which Shock may kill Dragon. To arrange this Shock has to abduct Kojiro When Dragon goes to reclaim Kojiro he meets and has a brief talk with Dark Tiger, who tells him that if he survives Shock they will meet again. Dragon rips of his own shirt and in the fight tears off Shock's as well. Shock is as hairy chested as Dragon is not. After the fight, Dragon claims Shock was one of his toughest opponents and showing some respect for the dead covers Shock's face with his shirt.
Tue, Nov 19, 1974
Someone claiming to be a Shadow courier is murdering Shadow' clients, shooting them with a .44 magnum revolver. and taking their money. Committing an obvious murder is against Shadow rules, all killings must look like an accident or suicide. Shadow assassin Winter Wind meets Dragon and offers a temporary truce from Shadow if Dragon will help stop this insane killer. Dragon agrees. Though Dragon warns Kojiro not to be taken in by the man's charm that he is after a cold blooded murderer, but in the end Dragon falls for his charm too and starts thinking of him as a friend and is very sad when he realizes the truce is over and Winter Wind is going to attack him.
Mon, Nov 25, 1974
Violent Wind, a Shadow assassin from Japan is sent to the airport to meat a Shadow assassin from Hong Kong, Sea Storm. Sea Storm refuses to shake hands which makes Violent Wind angry. He challenges Sea Storm wanting to "see what you are made of". Sea Storm doesn't want to fight, but Violent Wind insists so Sea Storm says he will fight one-handed, to give him a change, which makes Violent Wind even angrier. Sea Storm ends up leaving Violent Wind with one arm, telling him to get to a hospital before he bleeds to death Violent Wind ends up at Dr. Kuri's clinic. When he leaves seeking vengeance, Dragon follow him to Sea Storm, leaving Kojiro behind. Dr Kuri who is a mean drunk pulls no punches when Kojiri asks why Dragon would leave him behind, he tells Kojiro he would just be in the way. When Violent Wind reaches Sea Storm he calls on him to come out and "show the warrior spirit". Sea Storm he has no sense of honor mocks Violent Wind claiming Shadow has no room for such fools. The two assassins fight each other, ignoring Dragon. Sea Storm drops Violent Wind in the ocean were he apparently drowns. When he finally targets Dragon, Dragon sends him to watery grave and then Dragon who is full of "the warrior spirit" comments on the assassin being just a killer without "the warrior''s pride".
Tue, Dec 3, 1974
Dark Tiger who has a pipe in his mouth tells a young man who smokes cigarette after cigarette that he won't live long doing that. But since the young man is trying to blackmail Shadow its not smoking that figures to kill him. Dragon and Kojiro over hear the young fool talking on a public pay phone, hearing "See you, Tiger", "papers about Shadow". and "20 million yen" and follow him. But when he enters a cheap apartment building Dragon figures he cannot have 20 million yen to pay Shadow for a killing and Kojiro figures he cannot be paid 20 million yen by Shadow to be an assassin. When the young man's sister screams, they rush in and save her from Shadow henchmen, They learn her brother is trying to blackmail Shadow. Dragon and Kojiro hurry off to find and save this young fool. Dragon ends up fighting Shadow assassin Huricane who is armed with a flail (spiked steel ball on a chain, often mistakenly called a mace).
Tue, Dec 10, 1974
Shinichi Gojo who defeated 14 other karate experts in matches in Paris, France to become Wold Karate Champion is approached by Dark Tiger who wants him to join Shadow, he declines so Red Tiger has his younger brother kidnapped to force him to kill Dragon. Dark Tiger calls him "Landslide". Wearing a wig and white mask Landslide spies on Dragon before sending him a letter challenging him, Dragon accepts. During the fight Landslide reveals himself as the Wold Karate Champion. Because Dragon watched all 14 of his matches he knows his every move and how to counter it. The two warriors are evenly matched. Kojiro Musashi actually manages to rescue Shinichi Gojo's younger brother and upon seeing his brother is out of Shadow;s hands, Landslide surrenders to Dragon. and begs his forgiveness. He and Dragon take out the Shadow henchmen who call him traitor and attack.
Tue, Dec 17, 1974
Red Tiger informs Dragon that Shadow HQ has decided that its time to cut their losses and shut down the Japanese branch but before he leaves Red Tiger will see to it the Dragon dies. A short fight and Red Tiger staggers off. Dragon collapses and wakes up in Dr. Kuri's clinic. He discovers that he Red Tiger's broken cane that there was a map hidden inside it. Dragon, Kojiro, Dr. Kuri and the young woman Rika board a boat for Oshima,. The map which has four places circled on it is torn into four parts so each can search a spot. But Kojiro literally runs into Dark Tiger who knocks him out by punching him in the stomach. Then Red Tiger sens Dragon a note, attached to a dagger he throws at him. He demands the other three map pieces be taken to the crater of Mount Mihara if he wants to ever see Kojiro alive. Dragon arrives without the other map pieces, and Dark Tiger arrives without Kojiro. Dragon asks what the map is about. And Dark Tiger stating that since he's about to send Dragon to hell he figures its safe to tell him, the four places on the map are were Shadow has hidden bars of gold worth billions purchased from the money made off Shadow's clients. Now Dragon figures he can kill Shadow Japan's boss and cripple Shadow by confiscating their gold. But instead of finishing their fight, Dark Tiger calls forth "Shadows four great gods" to finish Dragon. Wind, Water, Lightning, Fire. Wondering which one will survive to take the map pieces from Kuri and the girl, Dark Tiger laughs and vanishes. (To be continued)
Tue, Dec 24, 1974
"Shadow's Four Shadow Great Gods" Wind, Lightning, Water, Fire have Dragon's portion of the map and think they have dropped him to his death inside a volcano. When Wind threatens Kojiro, who he has tied to a tried, Dragon appears and takes him out. When Lightning tries to kill Dr. Kuri, Dragon appears to take him out. Kojiro has caught up with Rika. Water appears and knocks Kojiro cold, and grabs Rika. Later, Rika and Kojiro are tied to opposite sides of the same cross. Dr. Kuri helps Dragon to deceive Red Tiger long enough for Dragon to easily dispatch both Water and Fire. Now Dragon just has Dark Tiger to deal with. After defeating Dark Tiger and recovering from the fight, Dragon boards a plane leaving Japan to destroy Shadow wherever else it appears. Kojiro Musashi, left in Japan, cries and says a prayer for his mentor. THE END.