- The Friendly Giant: [First Lines]
- [Camera pans slowly across a series of minature models representing a common scene like a city, a farm or other familiar scene, Friendly is narrating a normal everyday scene, until the camera arrives at his boot]
- The Friendly Giant: And there's that big boot.
- The Friendly Giant: And we're on our way to the castle, I'll hurry over first and go on back door so I can let the drawbridge down and open the big front doors for you. Are you ready? Here's my castle.
- [cue opening theme]
- The Friendly Giant: Here we are inside, here's one little chair for one of you, and a bigger chair for two more to curl up in, and someone who likes to rock, a rocking chair in the middle. Now, look up, wa-a-a-a-a-ay up, and I'll call Rusty... Rusty?
- The Friendly Giant: It's late. This little chair will be waiting for one of you, and a rocking chair for another who likes to rock, and a big armchair for two more to curl up in when you come again to our castle. I'll close the big front doors and pull up the drawbridge after you're gone. Goodbye. Goodbye.
- [cue closing theme and credits]