- Lt. Carpenter: Did you get any sleep last night?
- John Shepard: Yeah. Yeah, lots; why?
- Lt. Carpenter: You look like hell.
- John Shepard: Thanks. How do I smell?
- Lt. Carpenter: Lemon fresh.
- Lt. Carpenter: Panzarella can handle it.
- John Shepard: He's awfully enthusiastic, isn't he?
- Lt. Carpenter: Yeah, well, we were young once, too.
- John Shepard: We were never young.
- DJ: You know, when I heard I was gonna be your partner? I guess this sounds stupid but I was excited. You know I thought I'd really get to learn something, about the job, the street, everything. But I already know how to drink.
- John Shepard: Yeah.
- DJ: So far this isn't what I expected.
- John Shepard: Life is full of little disappointments.
- Fuller: And listen, Jack, your first bottle tonight? It's on me.
- John Shepard: Thanks, Fuller, but I don't drink with assholes.
- Lt. Carpenter: John. You did remember to wear your vest, didn't you?
- John Shepard: Yeah. I've got a diaper on, too.