This was an unadvertised gem put on in Australia as a trivial midday movie.
Viewing it reminded me of the impact that "Colour Purple" had when I watched it among a large audience many years ago. That movie profoundly affected me & others around me I observed. But this movie that I'd never heard of, clearly makes a similar impact but in its unique way on its individual subject matter.
I cannot understand why it was not glorified for the inspiring & dramatic suspense that unfolds effortlessly as the characters each do their thing, acting & reacting like ping pong balls in a vacuum. Nothing is contrived. But the willful spirit of the young girl who initially bewilders her wise Negro friends she meets by chance, proves to be a catalyst of emotion, both for the participants on screen, & viewers who are drawn to be MORE than passive detached observers.
"Chasing Secrets" ("The Secret Path") surely will leave a massive impact upon the soul of most anyone who dares to be open to a wonderfully uplifting experience of the best in humanity, even in such strongly adverse circumstances. One of the few times I have ever felt so moved was when I read Harper Lee's classic novel "To Kill A Mockingbird" which has echoed through my heart & soul occasionally, like a welcomed breeze, over the 20-25 years since!
The passion of this beautiful Negro lady, as protagonist of exceptional insight in her pain & past, supported by her soul-mate & husband in their lives of accumulated hardship, activated by her young unlikely friend evolving, transform the injustice layered in the drama, but even more so, the viewer, as the comments of other viewers here at the IMDb website, likewise reflect.
This magnificent movie is not to be missed!