On Remembrance Day, in a wealthy suburb, a German matron is found beaten and brutally murdered. An autopsy reveals that the real cause of death is that she's been shot in such a way as to conceal this fact. Firearms expert Sam Barbetta inspects the bullets and determines that the murder weapon was homemade - the bullets can't be traced!
An ex-model is found dead by her recent ex-boyfriend, Jeff. The victim is laid out on the bed fully clothed, her hands folded across her chest in an "at rest" position. Jeff allegedly gets another shock when he finds the message "Jeff You're Next' scrawled in lipstick across the living room mirror. Investigators discover that Jeff had intended to move out that day.
Shortly after a young working student moves into a new apartment, she suspects someone has been visiting when she's not there. To quell her suspicions, she places a bottle just inside the door as she leaves for work. When she returns, the chain is still on the door, but the bottle has been moved. She gets the shock of a lifetime when a stranger is found dead in her bathtub.
Dr. Cheryl Wagner treats her first ever female patient with AIDS. Only days later she treats a second woman with the same affliction...then, a third. Incredibly, all are infected by the same man. At Dr. Wagner's insistence, public health officials issue a restraining order, forbidding the man from having sex. He then infects another woman.
It happened on a native reserve in Southern Ontario. That's where two masked men broke into a house in the middle of the night. Living there were a husband and wife who owned a profitable gas station/restaurant. When their demands for money aren't complied to quickly enough, the masked men open fire, grab the money and flee.