This is one of the greatest anime series I have ever seen. I have been introduced anime on relatively recently...1997 at earliest. In that time, I've gotten my hands on a number of really good and really bad shows. Kenshin is definitely among the best.
The dynamic emotions of Kenshin himself as well as the mix of humor and philosophy of life vs. death in the show make it exceptionally entertaining and captivating.
The mutual devotion between Kenshin and his friends, Kaoru, Sanoske, Yahiko, etc... is amazing to watch as it develops and is put to the test.
The sadistic enemies, and the foolish ones, all provide foils that drive the plot and cause the viewer to be moved as Kenshin struggles to throw off his murderous past in favor of a life defending his honor, his friends, and the innocent.
If you are a long time anime-buff, or a new fan of the genre...this series is a must-see.