Kiersten Warren credited as playing...
- [Andrew has transfused blood into his system]
- Rupert Burns: Galatea, my dear, where are we?
- Galatea: The transfusion is almost complete.
- Rupert Burns: Is that so?
- [to Andrew]
- Rupert Burns: Just goes to show you, Andrew - somebody becomes a human being, sooner or later, they do something monumentally stupid.
- Andrew Martin: You've been a great example, Rupert. How quickly will the blood degrade my system?
- Rupert Burns: Oh, I don't know. You exercise, eat right, I'd say 30, 40 years.
- Andrew Martin: That's a little vague, chief. You don't know exactly how long I'll last?
- Rupert Burns: Sorry.
- [puts his hand on Andrew's shoulder]
- Rupert Burns: Welcome to the human condition.
- [Galatea is forcefully throwing large suitcases of equipment onto a stack]
- Rupert Burns: Galatea, could you be a little more careful? That's very delicate equipment.
- Galatea: [sarcastically] Sorry.
- [Galatea picks up another large suitcase and drops it]
- Rupert Burns: [shocked] What are you doing?
- Galatea: [annoyed] Near as I can tell, your bitch work!
- Rupert Burns: My what?
- Galatea: [very annoyed] Oh you heard me! And I'm sick of it! All day long it's, "Yes Rupert, sir! No Rupert, sir! Would you like another beverage Rupert sir?" And it chaps my ass! So here's a helpful hint for you: SHUT UP AND LET ME DO MY WORK!
- [Galatea menacingly points at Rupert with both robotic index fingers and knocks over the remaining suitcases as Rupert frantically searches his pockets for Galatea's personality chip which Andrew had secretly removed]
- Galatea: [casually] I'm done.
- Galatea: [singing loudly] If I only had a heart! Picture me a balcony...
- [goes offscreen]
- Andrew Martin: [irritated, but not showing it] Do you have an impact drill?
- Rupert Burns: Yeah. Over on a rack.
- Andrew Martin: Thank you.
- [goes offscreen and starts the drill as Galatea screams]