This contains some 8mm footage of the DOCTOR WHO stories , The Smugglers , The Abominable Snowmen , and The Daemons . Unfortunately these clips ( Shown out of context I might add ) are the only decent moments from one of the most disgraceful video releases ever inflicted onto the public.
First of all , because of copyright reasons , THE DOCTORS doesn`t include any clips from the show itself ! Yes that`s right , a video ( Though I saw this on DVD ) about DOCTOR WHO doesn`t include any clips from DOCTOR WHO . Strange how this isn`t mentioned on the video box , instead we`re " treated " to 80 minutes of mind numbing talking head interviews with still photos . What about the interviews ? Well with the exception of the late Jon Pertwee saying the show shouldn`t be brought back there`s nothing here that I haven`t heard before , and are Don Henderson , Brian Blessed and Sally Faulkner - All of whom have appeared in one DOCTOR WHO story each - really going to give much insight into the show ? It should also be pointed out it was Donald Wilson who got Sydney Newman`s idea for the show off the ground , not as is insinuated by Shuan Sutton . There`s also too much product placement on sale here with plugs for video spin off tales which are more often than not produced by Bill Baggs , the producer of this piece of crap
Another thing I detested about this video was something so bad it deserved its own paragraph - THE PICTURE QUALITY IS ABSOLUTELY DREADFUL . I`ve seen pirated porn films with better picture quality , and no it`s not down to a dodgy video copy either , I`ve seen umpteen other comments about how poor the picture quality is from other fans of the show on other websites
I got this as a gift from my mother and felt that I had been ripped off even if it didn`t cost me a penny . No doubt the producers of this released it knowing how gullible some DOCTOR WHO fans are , well I`ve got a message for them - I`m no schmuck . If you`re thinking of buying this please think again , and do not confuse it with the classic video DOCTOR WHO : 30 YEARS IN THE TARDIS