SISTER STREETFIGHTER: HANGING BY A THREAD (1974, aka SISTER STREETFIGHTER 2) is a follow-up to SISTER STREETFIGHTER and has Hong Kong resident and martial artist Koryu Lee (Etsuko Shihomi) coming back to Tokyo to track down a female friend, Birei, who's been kidnapped by diamond smugglers. It's an early '70s Japanese martial arts crime film with abundant nudity, bloodshed, torture, outlandish fashions and a peculiar criminal-dominated alternate universe where there are no cops and the gangsters avoid guns but hire martial artists--the more exotic the better--to do their fighting for them. It's all beautifully photographed on dramatic locations and garish sets. One fight takes place amidst empty racetrack stands and another takes place in a railroad yard and has the heroine battle an opponent atop a moving boxcar. There's even a fight among logs floating in the water at one point. As over-the-top as Japanese films sometimes got in the 1970s, they were generally well-produced. My only complaint on that end here is the over-reliance on hand-held cameras in many of the fight scenes.
The plot doesn't bear up well under scrutiny. There are far too many convenient coincidences and the heroine, Koryu, finds her way to the villains' various lairs way too easily. There are some off-putting moments detailing the surgical removal of diamonds from nude women's rear ends, as well as a brutal torture session directed at Koryu's sister, who just happens to be involved with the diamond gang.
The real reason for martial fans to watch this, of course, is to see star Etsuko Shihomi giving Hong Kong kung fu divas Angela Mao and Chia Ling (Judy Lee) a run for their money as the most dynamic female martial arts stars of the era. The protégé of Sonny Chiba, who popped up in several of her films, Shihomi fights with similar intensity, concentrating on survival and hitting her targets with damaging blows rather than engaging in the more showy, performance-oriented fighting styles of Hong Kong's female stars. (Granted, Shihomi's best films don't hold a candle to Angela Mao's best films, but that was never exactly Shihomi's fault.) There are some far-fetched moments here, including a fight in mid-air that causes the eyes to roll (literally!), but for the most part, Shihomi takes on all manner of formidable opponents with plausible ferocity.
Shihomi (who was sometimes billed in American release versions as Sue Shiomi) is aided in the action by Yasuaki Kurata, who takes on the Chiba role here and lends key male support. Kurata made a name for himself in Hong Kong kung fu films, including HEROES OF THE EAST, LEGEND OF A FIGHTER and FIST OF LEGEND, and it's nice to actually see him wreaking havoc in a Japanese martial arts film for a change.
The film follows the formulaic structure of the first film, changing the endangered sibling from a brother there to a sister here who wasn't even mentioned in the first film. The fights were more frequent and more imaginatively staged in the first film, which also benefited from the presence of Chiba himself in some key fighting sequences. (Chiba, of course, began this whole cycle with his own run of STREETFIGHTER films.) Etsuko and Kurata returned for RETURN OF THE SISTER STREETFIGHTER, which suffered from a lower budget and shorter shooting schedule, resulting in hastily shot action scenes and an even more ludicrous plot.