Frank Albertson credited as playing...
Bob Wilson
- Bob Wilson: But, Chief, you wouldn't take the bread and butter out of an old man's mouth, would you?
- Mr. Burns, The Editor: Let him eat cake. Say, you didn't get tangled up with that dame, did you?
- Bob Wilson: Oh, Chief, you know I wouldn't let a dame interfere with my work.
- Mr. Burns, The Editor: No? How about that time I sent you to cover that beauty contest winner? You didn't come back for three days.
- Bob Wilson: Well, that was different, Chief. This is a matter of principle.
- Mr. Burns, The Editor: Principle! Heh!... Well, maybe you're right, kid. Forget the assignment.
- Bob Wilson: Aww, you're a great guy, Chief. I thought you'd see it my way.
- Mr. Burns, The Editor: Forget it, kid. Just get me some pictures of a sea serpent.
- Bob Wilson: Where am I going to find a sea serpent?
- Mr. Burns, The Editor: That's your worry.
- Bob Wilson: OK, Chief.
- [turns and leaves]
- Bob Wilson: Everything would be swell, if I hadn't lost my job.
- Dolores Murdock: Lost your job? Don't be silly. I won the magazine in a crap game.