Monica Keena credited as playing...
Roseanne Skolnick
- Vincent: Do you want to know why we left New York?
- Roseanne: [just looks at him]
- Vincent: I robbed this old lady who lived next door to us.
- Roseanne: You did?
- Vincent: Yeah. Smashed up a bunch of stuff, got caught. They said I was walking the halls like a damaged little fucker.
- [laughs]
- Roseanne: I think you still are.
- Roseanne: Did you ever have a girlfriend?
- Vincent: When I was around 14 in New York, I knew this college chick named Naomi.
- Roseanne: Wow, Vincent, an older woman. I'm impressed!
- [giggles]
- Vincent: We did lots of crazy stuff together, and I really wanted something to happen because she was super foxy...
- Roseanne: What kind of crazy stuff?
- Vincent: One time late at night she took me to this place that she said her friend lived, and nobody was home and the steam pipes were leaking and there was a hot haze in the room. We sat down on the couch and smoked crack.
- Roseanne: [taken aback] What? What was that like?
- Vincent: Your mind takes off like a jet plane. Pretty soon you go into the sound barrier and everything just goes dead. Then you crash... then you want to die.
- Roseanne: [after she's discovered Vincent's photos that he took of her and Jimmy] You knew...
- Vincent: What?
- Roseanne: You knew... you knew that I...
- Vincent: Murdered your stepfather? Of course I knew.
- Roseanne: You're insane.
- Vincent: I followed you. I took a lot of pictures that night.
- Roseanne: Why didn't you take them to the police?
- Vincent: [slight chuckle] Why would I take them to the police? I *hate* the police.