For one reason or another a young woman named "Jin-a" (Ji-eun Lee) is forced to relocate from her previous domicile and accepts employment as a prostitute at a small family-owned hotel. Although most of the family members accept her (to one extent or the other) the college-age daughter, "Hye-mi" (Hae-eun Lee) treats her with unveiled contempt and ridicules her at every opportunity. Likewise, some of her customers along with her former pimp also make life miserable for her as well. Even so she endures the best that she can. Now rather than reveal any more of this movie and risk spoiling it for those who haven't seen it I will just say that the director (Ki-duk Kim) used just about every scenario related to the "world's old profession" he could find. Unfortunately, some of these scenes didn't translate well due to the cultural anomalies inherent in Korean society and in addition there were a few scenes which seemed to be a bit too slow. In any case, all things considered I rate this movie as about average.