Tommy Hinkley credited as playing...
Bob Thompson
- Freda Sackville-Bagg: I'm Freda Sackville-Bagg.
- Bob Thompson: [stunned] That's... wonderful.
- Freda Sackville-Bagg: Rudolph's mother. I'm sure you're worried about Tony.
- Bob Thompson: Tony?
- Freda Sackville-Bagg: Your son.
- Dottie Thompson: We know who he is. We want to know where he...
- Frederick Sackville-Bagg: [appears next to Freda] Tony is going to the cliff with Rudolph and Anna to watch the comet.
- Dottie Thompson: [also stunned] Anna?
- Frederick Sackville-Bagg: Our daughter. Dare I say your charming young man has cast quite a spell on her.
- Dottie Thompson: Well, we think he's charming.