- Leander McNelly: [dying] When they remember us rangers... let them remember us not as men of vengence... but as men of law... and justice.
- Richard Dukes: [arriving to see McNelly digging a grave] That's a mighty nice spot for a grave there... who's it for?
- Leander McNelly: [wet from the rain and out of breath] The grave?s for me. If I wait until winter, the ground will be frozen.
- Leander McNelly: [in a trench during a gunfight] I'm out... I'm out... someone throw me a cartridge...
- Leander McNelly: [bandit overhears and jumps into the trench - McNelly shoot's while grinning] Found One...
- George Durham: [trapped under a barn beam, after a bandit raid, seeing Dunnison apporach] Stop... Don't move and I'll shoot...
- Lincoln Rogers Dunnison: Don't move and you'll shoot?
- George Durham: We were hit by bandit's... the beam trapped me...
- Lincoln Rogers Dunnison: Look I can help you... but first put the gun down...
- Leander McNelly: [coughing, in pain] The Lord is comin' for me, Mr Dunnison.
- Lincoln Rogers Dunnison: [confused] Then why ride?
- Leander McNelly: I figure it's best I walk to meet him.
- Older Ranger: [hesitantly watching King Fisher and two men approach] King Fisher... What?s your business here?
- John King Fisher: I've come for my beaves.
- Older Ranger: This is a public auction, Fisher. You?re welcome to bid when the time comes.
- John King Fisher: I bid fifty.
- Auctioneer: [confused] Fifty what?
- John King Fisher: Fifty of them.
- [fifty of Fisher?s bandits ride in behind him, weapons drawn]
- Older Ranger: [afraid] I can't let you take these cattle.
- John King Fisher: Draw!
- [Fishers bandits slaughter everyone]