Sam Neill credited as playing...
Thomas Jefferson
- Thomas Jefferson: [as Jefferson stares at her intently] Why are you looking at me like that?
- Thomas Jefferson: I find I enjoy looking at you, Sally. And I so love your touch. I find I need your touch, even when I am perfectly sound and cannot explain it.
- Sally Hemings: [Stares back at him silently]
- Thomas Jefferson: Sally... I think it proper that you go now.
- Thomas Jefferson: Sally, if anyone should ask, Mr. Paine and I are going to admire the gardens.
- Sally Hemings: [quoting from Paine's book, "Common Sense"] "Weak men cannot see, and prejudiced men will not see, and we have it in our power to begin the world again." Mr Paine, such wonderful, powerful words you wrote, sir.
- Thomas Paine: Thank you, my dear.
- Sally Hemings: [curtsies and walks away]
- Thomas Paine: [to Jefferson] Extraordinary girl...
- [stares at Sally]
- Thomas Paine: Extraordinary!