Jason Buckham credited as playing...
- Brick Top: Pull your tongue out of my arsehole, Gary. Dogs do that. You're not a dog, are ya Gary?
- Gary: No, no I'm not.
- Brick Top: But you do have all the characteristics of a dog, Gary. All except loyalty.
- [Errol zaps Gary]
- Turkish: [Voice over] It's rumored that Brick Top's favorite means of dispatch involves a stun gun, a plastic bag, a roll of tape, and a pack of hungry pigs.
- Brick Top: [to Errol's companion] You're a ruthless little cunt, Liam, I'll give you that. But I've got no time for grassers.
- [John throws a plastic bag over Liam's head and suffocates him]
- Brick Top: Feed 'em to the pigs, Errol.
- [to the two boxers, who are now staring in horror]
- Brick Top: What the fuck are you two looking at?