I watched it because Annie Girardot was in it , but I felt sorry for her! What a heavy-handed farce!
The discovery on the screen ,that there is no plot at all (or a plot so thin it can be written on cigarette paper) which no one can act (even the highly talented principal ,who hams it up along the way)
Goliath (Madame Simone's thriving restaurant ) VS David (madame Germaine 's French- fries -and-sausages stand ). The unfortunate waiters,waitresses and cook of the eathouse are working overtime to satisfy the clientele who comes en masse to this restaurant where ,when you tell the bossy restaurateur her fish tastes like cod ,you're asked to leave the place .
To make the matters worse (how original!) Simone's son falls for Germaine's daughter ,which means the audience is granted a scene in the nature ,with full frontal male and female nudity .
It 's too late to stop things getting out of countrol;but it's not to late to avoid this free-for-all.