Oded Fehr credited as playing...
Ardeth Bay
- Ardeth Bay: [to Alex] By putting this on, you have started a chain reaction that could bring about the next apocalypse.
- [Alex gasps]
- Rick: [to Ardeth] You, lighten up.
- Rick: [to Alex] You, big trouble.
- Rick: [to Jonathan] You, get in the car.
- Ardeth Bay: [on seeing Rick's tattoo] If I were to say to you, "I am a stranger traveling from the East, seeking that which is lost"...
- Rick: Then I would reply that, "I am a stranger traveling from the West. It is I whom you seek." How...
- Ardeth Bay: Then it is true. You have the sacred mark.
- Rick: What, that? No, that got slapped on me when I was in an orphanage in Cairo.
- Ardeth Bay: That mark means you're a protector of man, a warrior for God, a Medjai.
- Rick: I'm sorry. You've got the wrong guy.
- Ardeth Bay: I am sorry if I alarmed your son, but you must understand, now that the bracelet is on his wrist, we have only seven days before the Scorpion King awakens.
- Rick: We? What we?
- Ardeth Bay: If he is not killed, he will raise the Army of Anubis.
- Jonathan: I take it that's not a good thing?
- Rick: Oh, he'll wipe out the world.
- Jonathan: Ah, the old "wipe out the world" ploy.
- Rick: Right. She's a reincarnated princess, and I'm a warrior for God.
- Ardeth Bay: And your son leads the way to Ahm Shere. Three sides of the pyramid. This was all preordained thousands of years ago.
- Evelyn: But how does the story end?
- Ardeth Bay: Ah, only the journey is written, not the destination.
- Rick: Convenient.
- Rick: Okay, you're here, the bad guys are here, Evy's been kidnapped. Let me guess.
- Ardeth Bay: Yes, they once again removed the creature from his grave.
- Jonathan: I don't mean to point fingers, but isn't it your job to make sure that *doesn't* happen?
- Ardeth Bay: That woman who was with him, she knows things; things that no living person could possibly know. She knew exactly where the creature was buried. We were hoping she would lead us to the bracelet. She obviously did. And now they have it.
- Alex: [revealing the bracelet on his wrist] I wouldn't get too nervous just yet.
- Rick: Who the hell are those guys? Where are they taking my wife?
- Ardeth Bay: My friend, I'm not sure, but wherever this man is, your wife will surely be.
- Alex: [Alex rips the picture out of Ardeth's hands] Hey, I know him. He's the curator. He works at the British Museum.
- Ardeth Bay: Are you sure?
- Rick: You better believe him. He spends more time there then he does at home.
- [after crashing through London and fighting off the Mummy soldiers]
- Rick: You all right?
- Ardeth Bay: This was my first bus ride.
- Ardeth Bay: Whomever can kill the Scorpion King can send his army back to the Underworld or use it to destroy mankind and rule the Earth.
- Rick: So, that's why they dug up Imhotep. 'Cause he's the only guy tough enough to take out the Scorpion King.
- Ardeth Bay: That is their plan.
- [as Jonathan picks up his rifle]
- Ardeth Bay: You any good with that?
- Jonathan: Three times Fox and Hound's grand champion, I'll have you know.
- [nods at Ardeth's scimitar]
- Jonathan: You any good with that?
- Ardeth Bay: You'll know soon enough.
- [in a flash, the scimitar is in his hand and the blade rests against Jonathan's neck]
- Ardeth Bay: Because the only way to kill an Anubis warrior is by taking off its head.
- Jonathan: [swallows] I'll remember that.
- [Rick, Ardeth and the others are being pursued by Imhotep's soldier-mummies]
- Ardeth Bay: Glad to see me now?
- Rick: Just like old times, huh?
- [first lines]
- Ardeth Bay: [narrating] 5,000 years ago, a fierce warrior known as the Scorpion King led a great army on a campaign to conquer the known world. After a vicious campaign which lasted seven long years, the Scorpion King and his army were defeated, and driven deep into the sacred desert of Ahm Shere. One by one, they slowly perished under the scorching sun, until only the great warrior himself was left alive. Near death, the Scorpion King made a pact with the dark god Anubis that if Anubis would spare his life and let him conquer his enemies, he would give him his soul. Anubis accepted his offer and spared his life. Anubis gave the Scorpion King command of his army, and like an evil flood, they washed away all that lay before them. When his task was done, Anubis forced the Scorpion King to serve him for all time. His army was returned to the sands from whence they came, where they wait, silently, to be awakened once again.
- Rick: Evy, I know you haven't exactly been yourself lately with all these dreams and visions...
- Evelyn: No, no, they're memories from my previous life. Honestly, I'm not losing my mind. It all makes perfect sense now.
- Rick: And that's the reason why we found the bracelet?
- Evelyn: Exactly. I was its protector.
- Ardeth Bay: Now do you believe, my friend? Clearly, you were destined to protect this woman.
- Ardeth Bay: [after Alex is abducted] Please, do not fear for your son, my friends. They cannot hurt him, for he wears the bracelet of Anubis.
- Evelyn: Alex is wearing the bracelet?
- Rick: When he put it on, he said he saw the pyramids at Giza, he saw the temple at Karnak.
- Ardeth Bay: Yes, and when they reach Karknak, the bracelet will show him the next step of the journey.
- Evelyn: Well, if we don't get to Karnak before them, we won't have any idea where to look for him next.
- Rick: Seems to me like we need a magic carpet.
- Rick: What can we expect from our old friend Imhotep?
- Ardeth Bay: His powers are returning quickly. By the time he reaches Ahm Shere, even the Scorpion King won't be able to stop him.
- Rick: Even if I was some sort of sacred Medjai, what good does that do me now?
- Ardeth Bay: It is the missing piece of your heart. If you embrace it, if you accept it, you can do anything.
- Evelyn: Alex, I'm seroius. If you lost that key, you're grounded.
- Alex: I haven't lost it. I just can't find it. There's a difference.
- Evelyn: Well, you'd better start finding it then.
- Alex: I will, Mom. There's nothing to worry about.
- Lock-Nah: [a stranger enters the O'Connell house] Good evening.
- Evelyn: [she looks up at the man] Who are you? What are you doing there?
- Lock-Nah: I'm looking for the chest, of course.
- Lock-Nah: [he carries the chest to the man] Give it to me now.
- Evelyn: [she uses her sword to stop him] GET OUT OF MY HOUSE.
- Alex: Whoa, Mom. Maybe not the best idea.
- Evelyn: Alex, get back there.
- [he backs away]
- Alex: [they saw some more thugs] Definitely not the best idea. I think it's time to yell for Dad now.
- Lock-Nah: Now I will kill you and take it anyway.
- Ardeth Bay: I think not.
- Evelyn: [the thugs uses their swords to kill them and then he enters] Ardeth, what are you doing here?
- Ardeth Bay: Perhaps explanations are the best kept for later.
- Lock-Nah: Ardeth Bay.
- Ardeth Bay: Lock-Nah.