- Fay: Sometimes we love people so much that we have to be numb to it. Because if we actually felt how much we love them, it would kill us. That doesn't make you a bad person. It just means your heart's too big.
- Fay: Okay, pretend that I'm your parents, say what your gonna say.
- Beverly: Okay, Mom, Pop?
- Fay: Yeah?
- Beverly: I don't know how to say this...
- Fay: But...
- Beverly: I'm pregnant.
- Fay: My daughter's a tramp! My daughter's a tramp! You're 15 years old, how could you do this to me? Why don't you just take my gun. Take my gun and shoot me in the head with it tramp! I wish that you were never born! How was that?
- Raymond Hasek: Please marry me, Bev. Because I'm shit without you.
- Beverly: Oh how romantic... a marriage proposal that contains the word "shit."
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: [cooing] Hello,beautiful baby.
- [to the nurse]
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: Is this not the most beautiful baby you've ever seen? I'm serious, is this not the most beautiful baby you've ever seen?
- Nurse: To be honest, in a while yes.
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: [to Leonard] Lets go see Bev.
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: No.
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: She wants to see you Leo!
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: No.
- [to Jason]
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: Look your mother is 16, your father is a moron, and they want us to celebrate. We know better. Just for the record, I'm on your side.
- Jason: Who says I'm in one piece?
- Beverly: You're the most normal person I know.
- Jason: Normal? Normal? Amelia was in New York two weeks ago. She wants me to transfer. She wants me to enroll in her school. But I can't go. I can't leave you. Cause if something bad happens...
- [crying]
- Jason: ... it's my fault. I'm what went wrong in your life. You know, you wrote a book about it. I swore I wouldn't - Did you know that I love Amelia? Don't worry, she left already. Here's the funny thing. She thinks I can't love her because she can't make me happy... and damn it, she's the only good thing in my life. I'm just incredibly screwed up. Just so we're real clear about this, I blame you.
- Beverly: When does this job ever end?
- Jason: You call it a job?
- Beverly: Well, what do you think it is? A calling?
- Beverly: [Bev is changing Jason] Aaaaah! Aaaaah!
- [Races to the bathroom and starts brushing her teeth]
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: What? What happened?
- Beverly: He peed in my mouth!
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: [laughs] Ha ha ha. Jason, you make your grandma so happy.
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: I'm telling you nicely, you're too young.
- Beverly (Age 11): Pop, you can't negotiate my boobs. Whether I'm too young to have 'em or not, I got 'em. I'm a woman. It's just hard to see it through all these clothes.
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: Quiet! The answer is no. Keep your mind on books, not boys.
- Jason: [narrating] This is why therapists are wealthy, moments like this. Why didn't he just get her the bra? It's certainly cheaper than a bicycle. Ah, parents and the damage they can do. Sometimes it's endless. But she survived. You know what they say: that which doesn't kill you, makes you want to die. You see, if she was from the south she would have turned her life into a country song. But since she's from Connecticut, she turned it into a book.
- [Beverly going through her book to find her quote]
- Beverly: Let me quote myself. One day can change your life. One day can ruin your life. All life is is three or four big days that change everything.
- [after Jason falls into a swimming pool and she is still holding him half in it]
- Beverly: I promise from now on I'm going to be more attentive. DO you know what attentive means?
- Jason (Age 6): No.
- Beverly: OK. Do you know what responsible means?
- Jason (Age 6): No.
- [drops him back into water]
- Beverly: Damn! I should've read to you more.
- Beverly: [standing on her lawn, yelling at Ray] I'm just another angry house wife, standing on her lawn and yelling at her husband, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ENTIERE NEIGHBORHOOD! Oh yeah, that's me!
- Beverly: [proofing letter with her sister] Dear mom and pop, the immediate prospect of your reading this letter so shatters my spirit, it makes me a stranger to myself. Your fears over my behavior, which I thought arbitrary and unreasonably restrictive, seem now the stuff of wisdom. I have terrible news I'm withholding from you. But now, like the poison from an adder's tongue, I have to spit it out. I am pregnant.
- Janet Donofrio - Age 12: Wow. That's really good writing.
- [last lines]
- Beverly: Jason blames me for every horrible thing that happened in his life. Can you imagine?
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: [slowly begins humming then singing]
- Beverly: I'm 22 years old - that's almost 30, and I still haven't accepted that this is my life. And I just wish that I could be dumb. And then I wouldn't know better and I could be happy and stop hoping. And I'm telling you this like you're interested in my boring life.
- Beverly: [to young Jason after he demands to be left alone] Remember, I am your mother. And that means you're not allowed to stay mad at me.
- Jason - Age 8: I'm the only kid I know that has to cook dinner!
- Beverly: Well, I'm the only mom I know with shoes that talk to people!
- Tina Barr: Are we invited to this party?
- Beverly: They're Fay's friends.
- Fay: They're not. My parents are friends with their parents.
- Beverly: What's important is that Sky Barrister will be there.
- Fay: Sky has had his hands in everything you've got. And he has a ton of your poems. And does he call you once? No. Bev, you are truly a great person. But someone as conceited as Sky won't see that. Because all he can see is himself. You know I'm right.
- Tina Barr: It's true, Bev.
- Beverly: [pause]
- [she observes Fay's dress]
- Beverly: Let me wear that dress.
- Fay: What?
- Beverly: Fay, if I even look half as beautiful as you in that dresss... Sky will have to notice me. You can wear my dress.
- Tina Barr: No.
- Fay: [she observes Bev's dress but is reluctant] I... No, Bev. It won't fit.
- Beverly: Fay, you gotta let me wear that dress.
- Fay: Why?
- Beverly: Because I love you.
- [Fay ponders]
- Beverly: Please, please, please.
- Fay: All right.
- Beverly: We're supposed to be a team right?
- Jason - Age 8: No! You're supposed to be the mother, and I'm supposed to be the kid!
- Beverly: [to Ray who has cut his hand and is bleeding profusely in the house] Stop bleeding! Stop bleeding!
- Beverly: Mom! Jason won't leave me alone!
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: He's not supposed to, you're his mother.
- Beverly: Mom, I have four weeks to study for the SATs. It's for the scholarship.
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: [sniffs] I told you to change his diaper an hour ago! He loves when you do it. I have to iron now.
- Beverly: [whining] But Mom...
- Mrs. Teresa D'Onofrio: Change it!
- Beverly: [changing Jason's diaper] Mommy has to study. I gotta do everything I can to get us out of here... Ugh, Mr. Stinky Pants.
- Beverly (Age 11): For Christmas I'd like a bra, to enhance what I got, which is a lot more than that Melissa Thomas.
- Beverly: [to Ray] You say that you can't quit. I believe you. But if you stay and you ruin our lives, and you know that you will, then it's my fault. Do you want me to live that?
- Raymond Hasek: [to young Jason] You're gonna hear a lot of bad things about me, but only two of the three things are gonna be right.
- Fay: Hi! My name is Fay and I am Bev's best friend, I just wanted to say is how beautiful Bev looks tonight and to wish her all the happiness in the world, and now that I've said that, maybe one of you could say it to her too. Sitting over is a girl that just has this light around her stands when your near her, you just know something exciting is going to happen. So if you all think you deserve some sort of a medal for being here just because of the special circumstances...
- Mr. Leonard Donofrio: Oh Fay
- Fay: No wait, wait Mr. D I'm not finished just yet
- Fay: If y'all think your so great for being here, then don't bother talking to me either, okay? Because I'm pregnant too!
- Fay: I mean sitting over there is this beautiful girl with this light around her.
- Guest: It's the chair.
- Beverly (Age 11): There on a wind-swept bluff, he stands waiting. The man of your dreams. The man that will love you more than anything else for the rest of your life.
- Janet Donofrio - Age 8: Wow!
- Beverly (Age 11): You run to each other. Your bodies, your lips, they're coming closer, and closer together, until finally, you kiss!
- Raymond Hasek: You just gotta remember, you gotta tell'em that you need their help, or else they won't do it. Lord knows, I need all the help I can get, right.