37 reviews
This looks like a made-for-TV movie, but Vanessa Redgrave and Trevor Morgan lift it at least a notch higher than that.
She is still gorgeous, yet her face has a leathery quality appropriate for her character. She is a magnificent presence on screen, and it was great watching her with Trevor, who must have had to really stretch to match her formidable skills. He does a great job, and I had no difficulty accepting his character on the same level as hers.
Yes, it is a "heart-warming" story, but it addresses death with honesty and some real-world strategies for getting past the grief of losing a loved one. It also has some fantasy strategies, but those don't get in the way of the real ones.
I loved the use of Mozart's music, particularly the "Ave Verum Corpus" choral piece.
She is still gorgeous, yet her face has a leathery quality appropriate for her character. She is a magnificent presence on screen, and it was great watching her with Trevor, who must have had to really stretch to match her formidable skills. He does a great job, and I had no difficulty accepting his character on the same level as hers.
Yes, it is a "heart-warming" story, but it addresses death with honesty and some real-world strategies for getting past the grief of losing a loved one. It also has some fantasy strategies, but those don't get in the way of the real ones.
I loved the use of Mozart's music, particularly the "Ave Verum Corpus" choral piece.
- michaelk-15
- Jul 10, 2005
- Permalink
A boy, James (Trevor Morgan) lost his mother in a car crash, which he witnessed, two years ago. His father, Nathan (Ray Liotta), has a new wife, Mary (Catherine McCormack), and is usually away on business. Nathan never talked to James about the tragedy so James has not yet finished grieving; he resents Mary and will not accept her as a mother. Maddy Bennett (Vanessa Redgrave) is an older but still vivacious neighbour who lost her son in the war. She befriends James and helps him through the trauma.
Redgrave's acting is superb and the message of the story is beautiful but the script and direction are very emotionally manipulative, sinking into maudlin melodrama too often. Those who just want a good story and can focus on the message and Redgrave's performance will love this film; others may be put off by the excessive sentimentality.
Redgrave's acting is superb and the message of the story is beautiful but the script and direction are very emotionally manipulative, sinking into maudlin melodrama too often. Those who just want a good story and can focus on the message and Redgrave's performance will love this film; others may be put off by the excessive sentimentality.
- Tom Murray
- Sep 23, 2002
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- wendelsitka-1
- Jul 30, 2019
- Permalink
A Rumor of Angels was screened on October 12, 2000 at the Mill Valley Film Festival. The film primarily explores the touching relationship between an older (but young at heart) woman and an adolescent boy who is conflicted by the loss of his mother. The setting in Nova Scotia is beautifully filmed and each character seemed essential to the plot. I laughed out loud more than once while later, it was impossible to hold back tears.
(2000) A Rumor of Angels
Adapted from book by Grace Duffie Boylan called "Thy Son Liveth Messages From A Soldier To His Mother" who also co-wrote the screenplay. It stars a pre-cautious 12 year old kid, James (Trevor Morgan) who upon accidentally, breaking one of Maddy's (Vanessa Redgrave) fences, his dad, Nathan (Ray Liotta) makes him get up every morning to repair it. And of course, it was at this point both Maddy and 12 year old James form a bond that Nathan eventually disapproves.
It is kind of crazy imdb allowed like a short sentence to sum up an entire movie like "A Rumor of Angels" (look at database above), while viewers like myself must comply to submit 500 characters for the site to acknowledge it- it just baffles me.
Adapted from book by Grace Duffie Boylan called "Thy Son Liveth Messages From A Soldier To His Mother" who also co-wrote the screenplay. It stars a pre-cautious 12 year old kid, James (Trevor Morgan) who upon accidentally, breaking one of Maddy's (Vanessa Redgrave) fences, his dad, Nathan (Ray Liotta) makes him get up every morning to repair it. And of course, it was at this point both Maddy and 12 year old James form a bond that Nathan eventually disapproves.
It is kind of crazy imdb allowed like a short sentence to sum up an entire movie like "A Rumor of Angels" (look at database above), while viewers like myself must comply to submit 500 characters for the site to acknowledge it- it just baffles me.
- jordondave-28085
- Apr 2, 2023
- Permalink
The climax this story is driving towards makes for a great ending! The beginning doesn't quite pull the story together well enough to really hold my attention, and the emotional depth is beyond what the young lead actor can accurately portray, but there's some really talented actors in here too. Although it's made more for a teenager, the sentiment of this movie is ageless and still worth a watch 20 years later by grown-ups.
- EggOrChicken
- Jun 22, 2019
- Permalink
A Rumor of Angels is a very well made movie! The story is unique, in that a young boy and older woman form a relationship and become best friends which is something you dont see in Hollywood very often! The acting is perfect, I could not find fault in anything the actors did, Trevor Morgan as James turns in the best performance of his career and leaves me in tears on more than one occaision. Vanessa Redgrave as usual is phenomenal, she pulls you deep into a character who on the outside seems hard and bitter but is really full of life and love. Ray Liotta, Catherine McCormack and Ron Livingston put in strong performances as a father still caught uo in his own grief, a stepmom trying to connect with James and an uncle who offers comical relief while still giving good advice. The setting is gorgeous, the direction is perfect. I like this independant movie because unlike all the big huge Hollywood blockbuster it has heart and soul and you can really see that.
- little_sexy_katie
- Jul 29, 2002
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- CabbageCustard
- Jan 8, 2020
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I give 'A Rumour of Angels' a 9 out of 10. Redgrave was wonderful in this role. I have recently lost my mother and found this movie to be heart warming and comforting. I work in the spiritual field as well and it is quite informative and true to life. It really does make you remember the little things that elusive 'I love you' is far more important than most people realize.... It also reminds us of an age old fact of life you cannot judge a book by it's cover. James family wanted to dislike Redgrave's character simply because they didn't understand what she was teaching James. I would recommend this movie to anyone believing in angels and afterlife and as comfort to those who are grieving. Thumbs up from ME!! lisaanddave
- lisaanddave
- Jun 18, 2006
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Difficult story to portray but well done and beautifully acted by Trevor Morgan and Vanessa Redgrave.
Don't know where all the good ratings came from. If you're really in to stupid sappy stuff with no real plot this is for you
- brucekirkland-29879
- Jul 20, 2019
- Permalink
A Rumor of Angels really moved me. I did not bring nearly enough tissues to get through it. My mom died when I was a little kid and an older aunt guided me through those early years of forming my life's code of ethics. I was right there with the movie from start to finish and want to see it again. Unfortunately Jamie Horton tells me it is closing in Denver after only 2 weeks. I want to send others to go see it. My hat is off to Peter and Jamie for this remarkable story and movie. Well done. Roz Brown Lakewood Colorado
A Rumor of Angels
3 1/2 POTATOES out of 5 :)
Potato scoring method: When I was a little girl I LOVED MASHED POTATOES. Mom made them all rich and lumpy with lots of cream and butter. Sometimes the potatoes came from Grandma Lizzy's cellar. It smelled musty and hosted its resident black snake, but that didn't diminish the cellar's importance.
The lumpiness of the potatoes-made possible from a hand potato masher--only added to the glorious mystique that accompanied the warm fuzzy feeling I got upon consuming. To me the lumps equaled little islands of satisfaction amidst a sea of potato goodness. Complete contentment.
So, intelligence reasons that FIVE POTATOES would represent near perfection. Or close.
A Rumor of Angels gets 3 ½ potatoes. I LOVED it. The only reason it didn't get Five Potatoes is because they took the Lord's name in vain. It did have other smatterings of swearing; I could have lived with that considering the powerful message of the movie.
Based on the book "Thy Son Liveth-A Message From A Son To His Mother" by Grace Duffie Boylan A Rumor of Angels came out in 2001 starring Vanessa Redgrave and Trevor Morgan. A crusty isolated old woman (Maddy Bennett) comes out of her seclusion to set right a young boy (James Neubauer) who had crashed into and broken her fence on his bicycle. Maddy's no nonsense approach reaches through James' antagonistic shield and finds that his core issue mirrors her own: grief. The loss of his mother and the loss of her son resonates between them and together they fight their way through despair, loneliness and the issue of angels.
Do they exist or don't they? Did Maddy have a relationship with her son after he died or was it fiction? This question leads James on a turbulent path where he not only finds answers but a trusting and loving family.
I not only believe in angels; I've encountered them. How about you...where do you stand on this issue?
- lizzy-96054
- Jan 13, 2020
- Permalink
I am surprised at all the 10 star reviews. This movie was strange and definitely not one I want to ever watch again. I think it had some good lessons in the movie itself just was a small budget, awkward, and boring movie in my opinion. We finished it until the end though, and although I have seen worse movies, I have definitely seen many better ones so consider all that before watching.
- distantangel
- Jul 25, 2020
- Permalink
This is one I will buy for our library, it is so touching and involves all your emotions. Redgrave is spectacular and so are the other major characters. You will never look at a lighthouse in the same way again.
What else can be said about Vanessa Redgrave that hasn't been said yet?I think I have the answer for that difficult question. She makes me feel that she's acting specially for me. She makes me remember all I was taught by my parents and the world itself, that one should always be true to himself and never make any concessions to whatever might come between him and his or her beliefs.Nevertheless, this time she outdid herself and managed to have Trevor Morgan contribute with his huge talent to her brilliant performance , thus delighting us all. Bravo once again Vanessa! Bravo ,endearing child Travor who one day shall be sitting alongside all the "sacred monsters" of the film industry. Last but not least,I honestly hope that Peter O'Fallon continues selecting scripts that will hold audiences in suspense for a long long time.
- arthur-saboia
- Aug 14, 2006
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Before I saw this movie the first time, I looked for reviews and the only ones I found were not great. But as usual I don't pay heed to critics. I watch it and use my own judgment. I was so glad I watched this one. It has become one of my favorites and it will become one of yours, too, I'm sure. If you have ever lost someone in your life this is a must see. I'm not very religious and have become less since the death of a loved one. But it would be wonderful to believe that there are angels and that when it's my turn that I will eventually see my aunt, who was my best friend, again. This movie is entirely rewarding, genuinely uplifting, and in plain terms made me feel a lot less depressed. Vanessa Redgrave has never been one of my favorites, I remember her from the sixties and she just ticked me off. But her acting in this is a real treat, she looks fantastic for her age, and I would kill for her hair. We could all use a Maddie Bennett in our lives. I actually own two of these, so if one gets damaged I have one to fall back on. So buy or rent this movie if you haven't seen it. Better yet buy it - you're gonna want to watch it more than once!
- gracecc5249
- Jun 10, 2008
- Permalink
It is rare that I can recall every detail of a movie after seeing it. This one was that rare exception. Vanessa Redgrave's fantastic performance, the beautiful story, and gorgeous music made this movie one that is unforgettable. The movie had every element of the human experience incorporated into it yet was never overly sentimental, slow moving,or not totally believable. I had lost my only son within the last few years and can honestly say that I was very comforted by the message this film carried. This is one movie that I will buy,look at many times and share it with my friends and family.
- stingaree1
- Oct 19, 2002
- Permalink
I highly recommend this film to anyone who ever forgets to live with passion, and also for those who question the finality of death. It refreshes the spirit and reminds us to communicate, appreciate, and validate the ones we love...before it's too late.
This is a movie that very deeply impressed me. The acting was excellent. The story was great and one that I am sure, will touch the hearts of all who see this movie. It deals with something that a lot of people have trouble dealing with- a part of reality! The content of the film may well help a lot of people if they take the time not only to see this film but to really listen to it. It is a ***** star film!
This movie is an interesting twist on the old curmudgeon & the boy who melts her heart theme. The acting of Vanessa Redgrave and Trevor Morgan is outstanding & perfectly in tune with the plot, which could be not believable, if they weren't so perfectly matched. The plot stretches the imagination, but in a good way, which is what makes this such an enjoyable film.
- parvastell
- Jul 11, 2002
- Permalink
Youth and guilt can be a potent combination, especially in the wake of a tragic accident, when they come together to manifest responsibility where there is none; imagined or real, fault precipitates inordinate guilt that can weigh a person down. And such a burden is hard for anyone to carry, but can be especially devastating if the individual in question is young and blameless, the very situation examined by director Peter O'Fallen in `A Rumor of Angels,' the heartfelt drama of a boy emotionally disabled by the memory of the car wreck that claimed the life of his mother, and who now bears the guilt of survival, amplified by the passing of time and self-incrimination. It's a bitter pill, better left in the bottle; but without solace, a task easier said than done.
For some two years, young James Neubauer (Trevor Morgan) has struggled with the loss of his mother, and a contrary attitude born of self-reproach has created a seemingly unbridgeable chasm between him and his father, Nathan (Roy Liotta), who is often away on business, and the relationship he has with his stepmother, Mary (Catherine McCormack), is tentative at best. His real problem, though, lies in the fact that he is simply unable to express the feelings of darkness that have since the accident encroached upon his soul. Of those around him, he seems able to relate only to Nathan's younger brother, his Uncle Charlie (Ron Livingston); it's something, but not nearly enough.
His life takes a turn, however, when circumstances bring him into contact with an eccentric old woman, Maddy Bennett (Vanessa Redgrave), who lives alone in an old house by the sea. Something from her past strikes a chord that produces a bond between them, and Maddy's insights into life and loss soon begin to have an effect on James. But Maddy has ways and ideas that to some are strange; and conflict arises when Nathan gets wind of the relationship that has formed between his son and Maddy, and when, for better or worse, he determines to see it stopped.
As a storyteller, O'Fallen has a nice touch; he wastes no time in getting right to the heart of the drama, moving it all along even as he is setting it up. It's an effective approach, in that it puts you in the story very quickly and allows for some reflective moments without retarding the pace or development of the characters or the story. And the way he inserts `flashes' of flashbacks to the accident throughout the film gives the viewer some real insight into what's going on in James' head. It's not a revolutionary technique, by any means, but O'Fallen knows how to use it well, and to great effect. He provides the action with a sense of real time, which makes the relationship between Maddy and James convincing as it develops, and as this is the pivotal aspect of the film, it makes it credible and believable. This is a story of two unlikely people finding and making an impact on one another's lives, and O'Fallen does a good job of avoiding the maudlin sentimentality to which such a story could be predisposed. And he does it by tempering the sentiment with real emotion, rather than resorting to melodrama to sell it, which O'Fallen obviously realized would have been entirely ineffective. Instead, he takes the high-- albeit harder-- road, and keeps it real, which in turn takes the film to a higher level. O'Fallen has a discerning eye and the capacity to understand human nature, as well as the ability to translate it convincingly to the screen.
Young Trevor Morgan came into this project with an impressive resume that includes such films as `The Sixth Sense,' `The Patriot,' `Jurassic Park 3' and `The Glass House,' and he has obviously prospered artistically from his experience, which he indicates with his work here. Morgan's portrayal of this conflicted young man is mature, and he resoundingly captures James' attitude and state of mind in terms that are real and convincing. To make the film work, Morgan has to convey emotions that, due to his particular situation, must transcend the typical complexities of youth; and he succeeds in doing so. He also develops his character honestly, as evidenced by the manner in which his relationship with Maddy proceeds. It's a solid performance, with a quality that is natural and altogether affecting.
The highlight of the film, however, is the performance turned in by Vanessa Redgrave, as Maddy. With this portrayal, Redgrave creates a character that is the very affirmation of the joys of life, as her Maddy fervently embraces it in all it's myriad aspects, running the full gamut of emotions as she does so. This is a role that allows Redgrave to break loose and give herself over totally to the character, and she immerses herself in Maddy, this unique individual to whom reality is but a canvas upon which she may impose her own version of it, while keeping her own counsel and living as she will. It's a vibrant performance, touching and poignant and alive, and arguably one of her best in a long, long time. This is work that is truly `Redgrave,' which attests to her endless capacity and talent as an actor, including her ability to so profoundly touch her audience.
Liotta, McCormack and especially Livingston are effective in their respective roles, as well, offering strong support to Redgrave and Morgan, who are clearly the stars of the show. In retrospect, though, it's the strength of one performance that adds to the strength of another, transferring and sharing as it does a collective energy that insures the success of this film.
The supporting cast also includes George Coe (Dr. Jenkins) and Michelle Grace (Lillian). A film that will make you feel, as well as think, `A Rumor of Angels' is satisfying entertainment that encourages you to take pause and take stock of the things that are truly important. 9/10.
For some two years, young James Neubauer (Trevor Morgan) has struggled with the loss of his mother, and a contrary attitude born of self-reproach has created a seemingly unbridgeable chasm between him and his father, Nathan (Roy Liotta), who is often away on business, and the relationship he has with his stepmother, Mary (Catherine McCormack), is tentative at best. His real problem, though, lies in the fact that he is simply unable to express the feelings of darkness that have since the accident encroached upon his soul. Of those around him, he seems able to relate only to Nathan's younger brother, his Uncle Charlie (Ron Livingston); it's something, but not nearly enough.
His life takes a turn, however, when circumstances bring him into contact with an eccentric old woman, Maddy Bennett (Vanessa Redgrave), who lives alone in an old house by the sea. Something from her past strikes a chord that produces a bond between them, and Maddy's insights into life and loss soon begin to have an effect on James. But Maddy has ways and ideas that to some are strange; and conflict arises when Nathan gets wind of the relationship that has formed between his son and Maddy, and when, for better or worse, he determines to see it stopped.
As a storyteller, O'Fallen has a nice touch; he wastes no time in getting right to the heart of the drama, moving it all along even as he is setting it up. It's an effective approach, in that it puts you in the story very quickly and allows for some reflective moments without retarding the pace or development of the characters or the story. And the way he inserts `flashes' of flashbacks to the accident throughout the film gives the viewer some real insight into what's going on in James' head. It's not a revolutionary technique, by any means, but O'Fallen knows how to use it well, and to great effect. He provides the action with a sense of real time, which makes the relationship between Maddy and James convincing as it develops, and as this is the pivotal aspect of the film, it makes it credible and believable. This is a story of two unlikely people finding and making an impact on one another's lives, and O'Fallen does a good job of avoiding the maudlin sentimentality to which such a story could be predisposed. And he does it by tempering the sentiment with real emotion, rather than resorting to melodrama to sell it, which O'Fallen obviously realized would have been entirely ineffective. Instead, he takes the high-- albeit harder-- road, and keeps it real, which in turn takes the film to a higher level. O'Fallen has a discerning eye and the capacity to understand human nature, as well as the ability to translate it convincingly to the screen.
Young Trevor Morgan came into this project with an impressive resume that includes such films as `The Sixth Sense,' `The Patriot,' `Jurassic Park 3' and `The Glass House,' and he has obviously prospered artistically from his experience, which he indicates with his work here. Morgan's portrayal of this conflicted young man is mature, and he resoundingly captures James' attitude and state of mind in terms that are real and convincing. To make the film work, Morgan has to convey emotions that, due to his particular situation, must transcend the typical complexities of youth; and he succeeds in doing so. He also develops his character honestly, as evidenced by the manner in which his relationship with Maddy proceeds. It's a solid performance, with a quality that is natural and altogether affecting.
The highlight of the film, however, is the performance turned in by Vanessa Redgrave, as Maddy. With this portrayal, Redgrave creates a character that is the very affirmation of the joys of life, as her Maddy fervently embraces it in all it's myriad aspects, running the full gamut of emotions as she does so. This is a role that allows Redgrave to break loose and give herself over totally to the character, and she immerses herself in Maddy, this unique individual to whom reality is but a canvas upon which she may impose her own version of it, while keeping her own counsel and living as she will. It's a vibrant performance, touching and poignant and alive, and arguably one of her best in a long, long time. This is work that is truly `Redgrave,' which attests to her endless capacity and talent as an actor, including her ability to so profoundly touch her audience.
Liotta, McCormack and especially Livingston are effective in their respective roles, as well, offering strong support to Redgrave and Morgan, who are clearly the stars of the show. In retrospect, though, it's the strength of one performance that adds to the strength of another, transferring and sharing as it does a collective energy that insures the success of this film.
The supporting cast also includes George Coe (Dr. Jenkins) and Michelle Grace (Lillian). A film that will make you feel, as well as think, `A Rumor of Angels' is satisfying entertainment that encourages you to take pause and take stock of the things that are truly important. 9/10.
There are lots of issues here. Personal struggles, relationships, coping with new situations. It's a bit slow and obscure at times, but patience and persistence are rewarded by superb acting, a real story, and all the signs of great writing, production and directing.
The two main characters are Maddy (Vanessa Redgrave, aged 63 at the time) and Trevor Morgan (14 pretending to be 12) They both have tragedy and grief to cope with. They clash, then slowly become close to each other and then understand lots. It's quite emotional at times.
The support cast is just as good, only we don't see so much of them. Ron Livingston is Uncle Charlie, so cool, so laconic, yet caring greatly for his dead sister's child. Is this just his acting? Or can the writers take some credit too.
Catherine McCormack is Mary, the new step-mother. In real life, this is such a hard place to be, but here, the writing and acting are outstanding (as to be expected from McCormack), and of course, she delivers, ie, when James shouts "You're not my mother". So real, and then Nathan (James's dad, Ray Liotta) also has to cope. So real.
Several really good scenes (Doctor Sam), and lots of memorable dialogue. Well worth the 10.
The two main characters are Maddy (Vanessa Redgrave, aged 63 at the time) and Trevor Morgan (14 pretending to be 12) They both have tragedy and grief to cope with. They clash, then slowly become close to each other and then understand lots. It's quite emotional at times.
The support cast is just as good, only we don't see so much of them. Ron Livingston is Uncle Charlie, so cool, so laconic, yet caring greatly for his dead sister's child. Is this just his acting? Or can the writers take some credit too.
Catherine McCormack is Mary, the new step-mother. In real life, this is such a hard place to be, but here, the writing and acting are outstanding (as to be expected from McCormack), and of course, she delivers, ie, when James shouts "You're not my mother". So real, and then Nathan (James's dad, Ray Liotta) also has to cope. So real.
Several really good scenes (Doctor Sam), and lots of memorable dialogue. Well worth the 10.
This film is one that can touch the heart if you're open to it. Well acted and carried by the combination of Redgrave and Morgan (Trevor deserves better billing here) who have a wonderful chemistry together. Redgrave's character comforts Morgan simply by letting him be open - and true - to himself. It left me with a very good feeling inside ... and an urge to tell those close to me that I love them.
After watching the sacharine and inept attempts to cover anything of this nature on film - what a joy to find this intelligent and moving account dealing with a young man dealing with the loss of his mother and an older woman who has lost her son - but has found a way of communication with the dead. Vanessa Redgrave is riviting as the woman who takes the time and great effort to comfort and teach this young man. Mr. O'Fallon is to be congratulated on his fine and detailed direction - the cinematographer provided beautiful pictures, the score is marvelous and includes some great Mozart, the cast is extraordinary - each of them giving heartfelt and honest portrayels of these very human and loving people in a painful situation. This is a sweet, gentle yet very real story - beautifully told and realized. Please - if it is not in your local moviehouse - rent it! You will not be dissappointed.
- David_Lile
- Jul 7, 2002
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