After the RV "Excalibur" breaks down, day and night replace each other many, many times.
When the RV "Excalibur" comes to a sudden stop and Colleen is thrown off her seat, the curtains behind her don't move.
The captain's skull is clearly plastic.
When Colleen is drawing, one edit is made quite interesting by the yellow pencil that she is using changing color to black.
At one point in the film, a smudge (accidentally transferred to the master tape, and from there to every copy of the movie) appears at the bottom of the screen and stays there for nearly eight minutes.
At the very end of the film, the reflection of the overhead lights can be seen in the pool.
At one point, the film shows the main characters driving toward Baltimore and across the Key Bridge. If they're headed for "Virginia mountain country", as the opening text indicates, they're going the wrong way.