This mockumentary was produced for airing on The Sci-Fi Channel as a promotional prelude to the release of The Blair Witch Project (1999). It was subsequently given a separate home video release. It was also included as a bonus feature on the special edition of "The Blair Witch Project" DVD.
(at around 12 mins) The scenes from a black and white movie, showing a witch being dragged to the stake, were from the movie The City of the Dead (1960).
Private investigator Buck Buchanan appears in author Daniel Stern's follow-up book, "The Blair Witch Project: A Dossier". The book reveals that Buchanan was hired by Heather's family to try to find her.
Cartoonist Sergio Aragonés wrote a satire comic book titled "Blair Which". In the story, a troop of Boy Scouts are in the woods at the same time as Heather, Mike and Josh and are responsible for all the spooky sounds and sights that the film students experience.