Bryce Johnson credited as playing...
Josh Ford
- April Tuna: Hi Lily E., Josh Ford, I was wondering if you would like to form a ménage?
- Josh Ford: I'm failing Spanish April, no el comprende.
- Lily Esposito: April! Do you know what that word means? It's... inappropriate.
- April Tuna: Does she use five syllable words like that in bed? BRING IT!
- Mary Cherry: I lied about my secret. it's actually more shockin' and scandalous than all yours combined. I slept with Josh too, and Joe at the same time.
- Josh Ford: Hey! I'm not like that!
- Mary Cherry: Shut your dirty whore mouth, player player! But two men folk could not satisfy my carnal cravings. That's why Lily... slept with us too.
- Lily Esposito: I did not!
- Mary Cherry: Stop lyin', lil Lilly, you loved it!
- Lily Esposito: [on top of Mary Cherry beating her against the sofa] Mary Cherry, you are a total liar. I hate liars and I hate you!
- Mary Cherry: Oh, give me... just give me a minute!
- Lily Esposito: What?
- Mary Cherry: Stop trying to kiss me, Lily.
- Josh Ford: Damn!
- [punshes table]
- Lily Esposito: [flinch]
- Josh Ford: [shocked] Lily why are you flinching? Baby, you know I would never hurt you. Why did you flinch?
- Lily Esposito: [crying] I don't know.