Martial Artist Gary Daniels is a top drawer attorney who comes home one day to find his family taken hostage by a bunch of thugs. He helps to police on the scene but soon discovers a more sinister scenario at work. It seems that 'The Man' wants to see how a local neighborhood could take a little biological warfare. But as we know shadow government agencies and bio-weapons don't mix but they get more than they bargained for when it is revealed that this lowly attorney is an ex-military butt kicker.
'Black Friday' is a passable action flick with a couple good action sequences. Daniels has skills but still suffers from that most odious action film cliché of bad acting, true the writing and direction can be some of the culprit but since most of the actors in the piece suffer the same affliction we'll strike it up to 'group effort'. Daniels does have the charisma for the action hero though.