- Kieran O'Donnell: Siobhan? Siobhan!
- Siobhan: [She opens the window] What do you want?
- Kieran O'Donnell: I love you and I'm sorry.
- Siobhan: Pardon?
- Kieran O'Donnell: I said I love you.
- Siobhan: The other bit.
- Kieran O'Donnell: Will you go out with me?
- Siobhan: No.
- [She closes the window]
- Kieran O'Donnell: Ah, wait! Siobhan! Wait!
- [He throws a rock and hits a light bulb. She opens the window again]
- Siobhan: Kieran!
- Kieran O'Donnell: Look, will you just listen to me for one minute?
- Siobhan: No. You listen to me. For 90% of the day, you're adjusting your bollocks, scratching your bollocks, or otherwise playing with your bollocks. You're determined to drink Ireland dry. You think you're God's gift to women, and just look at that haircut! And last, but not least by a long long way, you said I was "acceptable". ACCEPTABLE. I'm more than that, Kieran O'Donnell. I am 100%, full-volume, fanny-possessing flame of a woman. And if you don't like it, you can lump it.
- Kieran O'Donnell: ...Is that a yes?
- Siobhan: For 90% of a given day, you're adjustin' your bollocks... scratchin' your bollocks... or otherwise playin' with your bollocks!
- Ollie Doyle: [Ollie wants to retrieve his adult magazines] Mary.
- Mary Mulligan: Ollie, what do you want?
- Ollie Doyle: I've come for me mags.
- Mary Mulligan: Oh, no you don't. Ha. Hmph!
- Ollie Doyle: Don't you scoff at me, Mary Mulligan. I have something to say to you. I'm 36 years of age, and I'm a man. Only, half the things I should have done in my life - well, I haven't. Well, that's gonna change. I want a woman, Mary. I want to... pierce the celestial heavens with our love-making. I want to worship at the altar of her naked body, and shroud her breasts with the first scented dew of a summer's morning. I want to be with her forever - touching and tasting her, melting into her very soul, until we become one: liquid, languid, replete, and consummate.
- [Mary is stunned]
- Ollie Doyle: That's what I want. And I'm not gonna get it when I still haven't the first idea what goes on between consenting adults when the lights go out. So, if that's clear, I won't trouble you any further.
- [He takes his magazines]
- Ollie Doyle: I've research to do. Good day.
- Ian O'Donnell: There's a suit. You know. That I've seen. It mean, it was made for me, you know? Tailor-made. But... I can't. This is the most beautiful suit in the world. But I can't stop thinking, what if it looks ridiculous? What if this exquisite thing you've yearned for your whole life... looked better on somebody else? Somebody who could truly do it justice?
- Father Hubert Mallone: Love is God's most precious gift. It is also His most fragile. It exists for a moment here, maybe, or an instant there, perhaps. Against the odds and despite everything that's going on around it. So, if this suit really is made for you, and you're lucky enough to still have the opportunity to enjoy it-trust the tailor that cuts the cloth.