It is an art in itself to avoid producing another lengthy movie, to compact much material into a format of less than an hour, but still to make this movie appear long. It appears as some commentators prefer longer movies, but I appreciate compact productions with a high content of information as found here.
+ Great summary and highlights of Paul's life.
+ Mostly great acting.
+ Good production considering a limited budget.
- Words are added / subtracted to Saul's vision and other stories, but it is never to the spiritual detriment of the viewer and expected to a certain degree in such a movie. And it is good to see a great faithfulness in the dialogue with Agrippa. The accuracy could be higher, but is already much higher than most Christian movies which rather use bits and pieces from the Bible, but not such lengthy passages.
- Jesus is shown in the cloud and in Paul's vision. This is not necessarily problematic, but it still doesn't feel right to make such images of Him.
- The camera is often excellent, but also sometimes a bit wild.
- Paul healed the son of the sorcerer, a story I do not remember from the Bible. The burning of the books would have implied multiple sorcerers.
- The boat from the last mission trip is way too small and very few prisoners are present.
- Paul is not martyred in the Bible.