The tone of 'Tomorrow by Midnight,' which I watched as 'Midnight 5' just gives me a feeling that it was concocted by some film majors as a student film project and someone managed to give them funding beyond natural student film means.
The plot struck a cord for me for MANY reasons. First of all, I'm a film student myself, and secondly, I work in a video store. For those who have seen this movie, you'll be able to tell why I found this ironically relevant. The plot is a brilliant sequence of comedy, rampant discussions on films and life and how the characters are incapable of telling the difference sometimes in how they view reality.
And then the twists start to come in...
Overall, the film is somewhat grimmer than I expected based on the trailer, but well acted and thought out. The script is crisp and fast, as is the pacing. A very well done film, which can best be described as a black comedy with a moral or two thrown in. I approve.