Originally aired as an episode of an erotic TV series called Passion and Romance (1997). It was marketed as every episode being written and directed by women, but some were made by men who used female pseudonyms.
Sita Thompson said she was asked to do a small role that involved some minor nudity and she agreed as a favor to her friend director Dave Goldner. But on the day of filming, line producer Duncan White showed up saying the script had been changed without his approval and that a lesbian shower scene with Thompson, Charlene Blaine and Joanie Cody fondling each other had been taken out. He wanted it put back in and tried to force the actresses to film it. But Thompson refused and the other two weren't comfortable with it ether. A huge argument ensued, and the women finally agreed to take the shower together, but not to touch each other. Because of her refusal, White got Thompson fired from her next project, Sex Files: Pleasure World (1998), after the director had cast her specifically for a role.