Tony Robinson credited as playing...
All Baldricks
- Blackadder: Baldrick, I have a very, very, very cunning plan.
- Baldrick: Is it as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning?
- Blackadder: Yes it is.
- Baldrick: Hmm... that's cunning.
- Blackadder: Let's get home Baldrick.
- Baldrick: But we don't know where home is. We're doomed to float through time for all time! Oh woe is me!
- Blackadder: Shut up Baldrick. Shut up. There is one final thing to push that may be our salvation.
- [pushes button]
- Blackadder: Or not. Because it is in fact, a lollipop.
- Baldrick: Raspberry flavoured my lord!
- Blackadder: Oh god. I'm going to spend the rest of my life in a small wooden room with two toilets and the stupidest man in the world.
- Baldrick: Wait my lord, do not despair. For I have a cunning plan.
- Blackadder: Can I say I'm not optimistic Baldrick?
- Baldrick: To be quite frank my lord, neither am I. My family have never been very good at plans.
- Blackadder: So. With suitably low expectations, what is your plan to get us home?
- Blackadder: What can you see, Balders?
- Baldrick: People in very short skirts my lord.
- Blackadder: Ah excellent, the 1960s! At last we're getting close. I might stay a while, actually, for a bit of hippy free love. Not that free love would make a lot difference to you, would it, Balders? I mean, what would a sheep do with money?
- Baldrick: Not girls in skirts, my lord, men!
- Blackadder: Ah, Spandau Ballet, 1983.
- Baldrick: I think not my lord.
- [looks out of the porthole to see Hadrian's Wall guarded by Roman soldiers]
- Blackadder: Oh no, Romans! We're still centuries out!
- Baldrick: You know how when you're drowning, and your life flashes in front of your eyes? Well, what I was thinking is that you could dunk your head in a bucket of water and if you held it down till just before you died, you could see how the levers were and get us home.
- Blackadder: Excellent plan, Baldrick, with perhaps one slight modification...
- [Punches Baldrick and shoves his head in a bucket of water]
- Baldrick: I'm 18, I've just left Nursery School. I'm 25, I'm back in Nursery School.
- [Blackadder enters the time machine, and congratulates Baldrick on his work]
- Baldrick: I followed Mr Da Vinci's instructions to the letter.
- Blackadder: Even though you can't actually read.
- Baldrick: No, but I have done a lot of Airfix models in my time.
- Blackadder: Well Balders, this is a turn up for the books. It seems that you have built a working time machine and are therefore, rather surprisingly, the greatest genius the world has ever known.
- Baldrick: Thank you very much, my lord.
- Baldrick: ...And the date should come up. But it doesn't because I was going to write the numbers on in felt-tip pen but never got around to it.
- Blackadder: Right. So the date we're heading for is two watermelons and a bunch of cherries. In other words, we can't get home. Rather a spectacular return to form after the genius moment.
- Blackadder: [in a deleted scene] Well done, Baldrick! I'm so pleased with, I'm going to give you a wage rise.
- Baldrick: Thank you very much, my lord.
- Blackadder: ...Well, perhaps not all year, but maybe something like a Christmas bonus... Well, perhaps not actual money, but something else like a box of chocolates... A chocolate... After I've had a nibble of it myself...
- Blackadder: [Blackadder is drowning Baldrick] Hows it going?
- Baldrick: [having flashback] I'm 18 years old! I've just left nursery school!
- Blackadder: Okie Dokie.
- [dunks his head back underwater]
- Baldrick: I'm 25! I'm back at nursery school!
- Blackadder: [groans]
- Baldrick: Got it!
- Blackadder: Very good.
- Baldrick: I wish... I wish I'd flushed the loo first.
- Blackadder: [peers into bowl] Oh yes.
- Blackadder: Baldrick, I have a very, very, very cunning plan.
- Baldrick: Is it as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on and is now working for the U.N. at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning.
- Blackadder: Yes it is.
- Baldrick: Hmm... that's cunning.
- Blackadder: Baldrick, I have a very, very, *very* cunning plan.
- Baldrick: Is it as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University, but has moved on and is now working for the UN at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning?
- Blackadder: It is.
- Baldrick: Oh. That's cunning.