Upon discovering that their three best football players are being lured away by a nearby university, four cheerleaders named "Monica" (Elizabeth Loredan), "Sissy" (Lynn Hastings), "Toni" (Jamie Jenson) and "Sheryl" (Gloria Upson) decide to pay a visit to the other school and turn the tables on them by trying to convince those players to return. While there they also come up with a plan to recruit some of the other team's player to their school as well. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this was a rather weak "Drive-in movie" which suffered from a rather mundane plot, very poor action sequences and a mediocre script. As far as the cheerleaders were concerned, I thought Elizabeth Loredan and Jamie Jenson were the prettiest of the bunch but then that's just my opinion and others are free to disagree. In any case, although there are several other "Cheerleader films" made during this particular time-period, I don't consider this to be one of the better ones and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.