Set in the Battletech Universe, year 3059, the newly reunified Star League Defence Force struggles to take the fight back to the Clans. As part of Operation Bulldog, the SLDF concentrates to... Read allSet in the Battletech Universe, year 3059, the newly reunified Star League Defence Force struggles to take the fight back to the Clans. As part of Operation Bulldog, the SLDF concentrates to destroy one clan, the Smoke Jaguars, to take the war home to the Clans themselves. As a m... Read allSet in the Battletech Universe, year 3059, the newly reunified Star League Defence Force struggles to take the fight back to the Clans. As part of Operation Bulldog, the SLDF concentrates to destroy one clan, the Smoke Jaguars, to take the war home to the Clans themselves. As a mission commander, your duty is to control a company of Battlemechs and vehicles to take ba... Read all