Andre Braugher credited as playing...
Frank Pembleton
- Tim Bayliss: So, you... you'll take me in.
- Frank Pembleton: 'I'm gonna take you in' - are you wild?
- Tim Bayliss: No - you'll take me in, Frank.
- Frank Pembleton: [Shakes his head] No.
- Tim Bayliss: Did I take... a bullet for you? Huh?
- Frank Pembleton: No, no, cut it out...
- [Tim lunges at Frank]
- Tim Bayliss: Did I take a bullet for you or not, huh?
- Frank Pembleton: I am NOT taking you in...
- Tim Bayliss: DID I TAKE A BULLET FOR YOU? I take a bullet for you, and you take a bullet for me - now THAT is square business, Frank!
- Frank Pembleton: This is not taking a bullet for you, this is you wanting me to toss your ass in the jackpot! You're confessing to a murder, Tim, do you understand that?
- Tim Bayliss: So you want someone else should take me in? Someone else should bust me...
- Frank Pembleton: No. No, no...
- Tim Bayliss: Is that what you want? Then it HAS to be you!
- Frank Pembleton: NO, NO, no! No...
- Tim Bayliss: [Grabs Frank] Frank, listen to me! Listen. I've thought about eating my gun, and I'm gonna EAT that gun RIGHT NOW if you don't do the right thing for me, Frank, for right here!
- [Gestures to his head]
- Tim Bayliss: I have no other... no other option, Frank. Please...
- Frank Pembleton: [sighs] So you thought about putting a gun to yourself?
- Tim Bayliss: Yeah. Yeah, you'd be saving my life, I dunno for how long, but for now... at least you would.
- Frank Pembleton: [Takes a deep breath] I believe that you did not mean to do this killing.
- Tim Bayliss: ...yeah, you believe what you want to believe. That's okay.
- Frank Pembleton: So we're gonna turn around, right now, and we're gonna go back inside. Okay?
- Tim Bayliss: [Anguished, he takes out his badge] Never put off the inevitable, Frank. It's gotta be what it's gotta be.
- [Presses the badge into Frank's hand]
- Frank Pembleton: [Crying] Son of a bitch...
- Tim Bayliss: Time for one more confession, Frank.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: Confession?
- Tim Bayliss: I killed a man.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: [laughs in disbelief] I'm not in the mood, all right?
- Tim Bayliss: Luke Ryland.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: Who?
- Tim Bayliss: I shot the bastard dead.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: Good, um... go to jail, go directly to jail. Do not pass go...
- Tim Bayliss: No, no, I'm not kidding, Frank. I killed him.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: Come on, Tim. You couldn't kill anybody...
- Tim Bayliss: Frank, he got off on a technicality. The bastard had to die before he went out and he murdered another innocent woman.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: ...Don't screw with me. You killed this, uh... whoever?
- Tim Bayliss: Luke Ryland.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: ...Internal cleared you?
- Tim Bayliss: Frank, I'm saying I hunted the bastard down, and when I found him, I blew his brains out. I executed him in cold blood.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: And I'm saying internal rules this as a good shooting?
- Tim Bayliss: No, no, internal doesn't know crap about me killing Ryland!
- Det. Frank Pembleton: So you - you're standing here and you're telling me you killed somebody?
- Tim Bayliss: ...Yes.
- Frank Pembleton: Do you think you mean anything to anybody? Anything to this city?
- Homeless Guy: No.
- Frank Pembleton: But I'm here. I'm extending you my kindness. I give you what you want out of goodwill, and it's not about a dollar. Because, if you ask me for ten, I'll give you ten. A hundred? You got it. I'm respecting you. But you're gonna' sit there and piss on me? I'm gonna send you to hell, Mr. "I Ain't Got a Name, So Feel Sorry For My Mooching Ass."
- Frank Pembleton: No, you're standing there with your weapon and it went off, and you don't remember how!
- Tim Bayliss: Frank...
- Frank Pembleton: 'Cause guns go off accidentally, happens all the time!
- Tim Bayliss: It was no accident.
- Frank Pembleton: No, I'm saying this IS an accident - for you to shoot somebody, it's gotta be a mistake!
- Tim Bayliss: No, no, no, it's no mistake, no accident!
- Frank Pembleton: Tim - !
- Tim Bayliss: Frank, you're a good cop.
- Frank Pembleton: I'm not a cop anymore.
- Tim Bayliss: No, no, you're always gonna be a cop.
- Frank Pembleton: No no, I'm a teacher, I teach. A civilian...
- Tim Bayliss: No, I murdered this son of a bitch because he was a predator, Frank, he preyed on WOMEN!
- Frank Pembleton: [Tries to laugh it off] Why - why are you doing this?
- Tim Bayliss: I put the gun right up to the mother's BRAIN and I pulled the trigger - !
- Frank Pembleton: Shut up, just - SHUT UP!
- [Tense silence]
- Frank Pembleton: You put this on me. You son of a bitch!
- Tim Bayliss: [Gestures to his heart] In here... I know that I did right.
- [Gestures to his head]
- Tim Bayliss: But for here...
- Frank Pembleton: So you waited till I came back, so you could, um... unload this? Unburden yourself? What's supposed to happen now?
- Tim Bayliss: You tell me.
- Frank Pembleton: ...I'm not bringing you in.
- [Starts to walk away]
- Tim Bayliss: No, huh?
- Frank Pembleton: I'm not a cop. It's not official.
- Tim Bayliss: [Blocks his path] Oh, really? Now what are you gonna do, Frank? Not say a word? You gonna keep my little secret to yourself?
- Frank Pembleton: Son of a bitch, you SON of a BITCH! You murdered him!
- Tim Bayliss: I executed him, Frank.
- Lieutenant Stuart Gharty: Pembleton, Lewis, Falsone: make me a list of people he's pissed off on the campaign trail.
- Frank Pembleton: A list? I didn't come here to make lists.
- Lieutenant Stuart Gharty: Frank. Just like old times.
- Det. Frank Pembleton: Death is every day. Death goes on...and on and on.
- Officer Mike Giardello: And that's because life...goes on and on.