Ken Sansom credited as playing...
- Rabbit: Pooh, which way was the wind *blowing* when you tried to send our letter?
- Winnie the Pooh: Why, to the S, towards Santa.
- Rabbit: [exasperated] S is for SOUTH! Santa lives at the *North* Pole!
- Rabbit: [Pooh's stuck in the window dressed as Santa] Santa Claus? But why isn't he coming down the chim-?
- [Pooh slips through the window and knocks him down]
- Rabbit: [to Piglet] Well, what're you waiting for? Put down a present for Pooh!
- Winnie the Pooh: He can't.
- Rabbit: Why not?
- Winnie the Pooh: You have the pencil, Rabbit.