- Flowers: Please don't do that, Brer Fox.
- Edgar MacBeth: It ain't no fun to get your husband angry, if you ain't around to see it.
- Druden Hunt: All my life I've felt like I was barely attached to the earth. I only seem to weigh something when I'm with you.
- Druden Hunt: Officer Avon, do you feel like you're really attached to the earth?
- Officer Avon: Most of the time.
- Druden Hunt: I do not.
- Druden Hunt: I could drink her up. I could make a coat out of her and wear it. I thought if I could hold her tight enough, I could push her inside me, then she'd be safe. And I'd weigh something. You know what I mean?
- Officer Avon: ...You probably had to be there.
- Flowers: I wanna count your teeth and your hair and write the numbers in a book. I wanna see what you look like when you grow old. Your hair gonna turn grey or white? I want the last breath you blow to brush cross my eyes. You understand now?