Keith Carradine credited as playing...
John Malone
- Lily Malone: [angrily after finding out about the letters] . All this time she knew. You knew. All this time you let go on loving that child! You let us fight over her, and cry over her. And you never said a word! Why? Answer me. Why?
- Larkin Malone: I don't know.
- John Malone: Lily...
- Lily Malone: All you had to do was talk to us!
- Larkin Malone: Talk to you? Nobody talks about ANYTHING in this house! Not the baby, or why we never even named him. Dad's drinking, or how he sleeps downstairs... or Grandma falling, and dad moving to Boston without us! Talk to you... HOW?
- John Malone: [reading Julia's letter] "This is Sophie. She is almost a year old and she is good. I cannot take care of her now, but I know she will be safe with you. You are a good family. I will lose her forever if you don't do this. I will send money for her when I can. I will come back for her one day. I love her."
- [Finishes reading]
- John Malone: She spelled "forever" wrong.
- John Malone: Lily, you're overreacting.
- Lily Malone: That's what you said last time. I'm not going to make the same mistake twice.
- John Malone: Oh, is that what this is about? Is that what this is about, you blame me for what happened? There was nothing we could do!
- Lily Malone: Oh yeah? What was it then? Fate, kismet? Isn't that your answer for everything?
- John Malone: You wanna blame something? Blame the weather. Blame the circumstances. Blame God for Christ's sake!
- Lily Malone: No. Our baby died because you wanted to live on this God-forsaken island where there isn't a decent hospital around here!
- John Malone: That's not true Lily, we both wanted this.
- Lily Malone: They never should have let him come home. I tried telling them something was wrong. They wouldn't listen, neither did you.
- John Malone: No hospital in the world could've saved him. Jesus Christ couldn't save him!
- Lily Malone: That's right John, don't you take any responsibility. Oh no, don't you start!
- John Malone: He had a bad heart. It was a genetic condition, so if your looking for someone to blame, look in the mirror!
- Lily Malone: [Slaps him. Then starts crying] I'm sorry... I'm sorry.
- John Malone: [Sees Ms. Minifred and Rebel Clark walking together from a distance] . Hello Eunice!
- [Eunice and Rebel wave]
- Larkin Malone: Eunice? Ms. Minifred's name is "Eunice?"
- Lalo Baldetti: WILD EUNICE!
- [Larkin and Lalo laugh]
- John Malone: She walks with beauty Eunice Minifred does.
- [Larkin laughs hysterically]